Summit's horror pic Sinister — about a writer (Ethan Hawke) who finds and obsesses over a box of creepy home movies in the attic — debuted a traditional first peek way back when, but a new redband trailer takes some exciting creative liberties with editing and its droning, mounting score. It's almost like the Blow-Up of found footage horror!*
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Jessica Chastain's had an incredibly good run of prestige films in the brief span of time that she's been in Hollywood: Take Shelter, Coriolanus, Tree of Life, The Help, and this summer's Lawless have made quite the highlight reel. So it was inevitable that the starlet would pop up in a horror film sooner or later. Might as well be a spooky one like the Guillermo Del Toro-executive produced Mama, right?
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Children of the Nintendo generation, take heed: Disney's Wreck-It Ralph was made just for you. In addition to setting up a rather compelling hero's journey for video game character Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) — an arcade villain who goes "game-hopping" to reinvent himself as the good guy — the animated adventure stuffs in more Gen X/Y video game references than you can count. Who will weep for Bowser as he gives his testimony at AA for baddies!?
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Smashed has been built up as Mary Elizabeth Winstead's career-maker — a character-driven piece about an alcoholic woman entering AA — although time will tell if the addiction dramedy has the mojo to muscle in on the awards race with folks like Marion Cotillard and Jennifer Lawrence hogging all the buzz with their respective festival hits. But take a look at the first Smashed trailer and four additional clips, co-starring Aaron Paul, Octavia Spencer, Megan Mullally, and Nick Offerman (courtesy of Sony Classics) and get to early prognosticating on Winstead's chances.
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Ahead of Thursday's trailer premiere, Steven Spielberg and Co. have released a first-look teaser for Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis as the 16th President of the United States. Get a taste of what Spielberg has in store with this somber (but stirring!) bit of footage from the film.
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With one last action-packed trailer, Summit continues its final marketing push to bring the $2 billion Twilight Saga down the home stretch. What's nice about this full two-minute trailer is it actually builds tension, at least, moreso than the abridged looks we've had this week. And while it lays down more of a foundation for the final epic throwdown between good vampires and not-so-good vampires that wraps up the series, we also get the tiniest explanation of the "immortal child" hullabaloo at the center of Breaking Dawn.
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"...The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'" Sam Riley's Sal paraphrases the famous Jack Kerouac line, but it works: Watch the jazzy, frenetic first U.S. trailer for Walter Salles' On The Road and feel your pulse quicken.
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Kidding! Michael Shannon was born to play oddball creepy-types, and I mean that in the best way possible. So his turn as Richard Kuklinski, the notorious contract killer from New Jersey known as The Iceman who killed for sport and for gangsters for three decades, seems fitting. Anyone else feeling curious pangs of sympathy for the Mafia hitman-slash-family man who claimed to have murdered over 100 men over the course of his "career?"
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Or is she the Michele Bachmann of beurre? The more I see of October's Midwestern comedy Butter, the more I'm totally going to watch it and also maybe start etching masterworks out of breakfast foods. Watch the latest trailer for the Jennifer Garner-Olivia Wilde-Rob Corddry ensemble indie and see if you're as charmed by the tale of an orphan, a housewife, a stripper, and various other quirky personalities going head-to-head in a butter-carving contest.
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He was the governor. Next year, he'll be the sheriff. In The Last Stand, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the sheriff of a small town on the Mexican border that must stop a heavily armed drug kingpin and his henchmen after the extreme baddie breaks out of prison and makes a run for Mexico. If you're wondering how an extremely muscular dude with an Austrian accent ends up the sheriff of a podunk North-of-the-Border town, Schwarzenegger's character has a back story: He's a former Los Angeles cop who departed the force after a bungled police operation left his partner crippled. (I start to speak with an Austrian accent after I spend more than two weeks in L.A., too.) more »

Yet another Paranormal Activity sequel is heading to theaters this fall, but the increasingly repetitive found footage franchise is introducing some new elements to its scare tactics. For instance, a blonde chick, after three movies of brunettes! Even more original: Paranormal Activity 4 will deliver its spooks via Skype — so tech-forward, so of the moment — the likes of which we totally haven't seen before. Or have we?
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October's Cloud Atlas is as dense and ambitious as it sounds from what I hear, and the newly unveiled five-minute trailer is almost as confounding as it is beautiful to look at. But regardless of how vaguely The Fountain-ish the nested story feels — jumping through time and various incarnations of cast mates (including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, and Jim Sturgess) as they repeat life in six different eras from the 19th century Pacific to the post-apocalyptic future — the trio of directors at the helm, including Lana Wachowski in her first post-Larry feature credit, should make things very interesting.
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A war veteran (Joaquin Phoenix) with a "nervous condition" finds himself entrenched in a cult — if not a religious cult, at least a cult of personality — built around a charismatic leader (Philip Seymour Hoffman) in Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master. At long last, after a series of enigmatic teases, the first full trailer has hit the web offering more than just abstract, beguiling peeks at the rumored Scientology drama. So how much L. Ron Hubbard is there in Hoffman's Master?
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Oh, what a coincidence! Here comes the trailer for Tom Cruise's Jack Reacher (formerly One Shot), the action film based on a novel by Lee Child that stars the soon-to-be-divorcé as an ex-army cop who apparently drives around town in muscle cars getting into fights. The kind of angry, controlled rage-machine who gets into brawls, specializes in strategically breaking bones, asks questions later, etc. The badass clothing doesn't quite fit on Cruise, but you know. He's Tom Cruise.
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Tyler Perry debuts a new Madea comedy this week, but as he tells Movieline in a forthcoming interview, he's been itching to put the the fat suit and lady dress in his rear-view. Will his turn in the mainstream action film Alex Cross — as a husband and special agent in a cat-and-mouse game with a serial killer — be a successful attempt by Perry to branch out beyond his niche audience? Watch as Perry goes mano-a-mano with LOST's Matthew Fox, who's undergone some changes of his own, in the first trailer for the James Patterson adaptation.
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