The Spring Breakers trailer has FINALLY arrived, and it's even more packed with girls and guns and bikinis and James Franco's grimy braided hot mess than I'd ever dreamed. Also, the words "Spring Break" are spoken so many times in these two minutes of mayhem (I count 11 feverish utterances) that it's seeping into my subconscious. Watch and whet your whistle for the March 22 opener after the jump and start working on your Franco-as-Alien Halloween costumes now.
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If you read World War Z, your favorite chapter might be the one where a bunch of insufferable celebrities move into a heavily fortified compound together to ride out the zombie apocalypse in high style. Given that they're all basically awful people, things don't go so well and they all die. Alas, Mark Forster's movie version probably won't include that moment, but Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Pineapple Express team is giving us the next best thing, with This Is The End, a raunchy comedy that asks 'what would happen if almost everyone who works with Judd Apatow survived a worldwide apocalypse?' Well, not everyone (alas, poor Michael Cera,), but enough people to populate the next ten years of dude-oriented R-rated comedies.
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If you loathe Transformers-Michael Bay but have a soft spot for the Bay who made not one, but two Bad Boyses, then the first trailer for his true crime pic Pain & Gain is going to push all the right buttons: Beefy macho men, fast cars, a slick Miami setting, Mark Wahlberg hitting that Dirk Diggler sweet spot of dumb overconfidence, and everyone's favorite muscleman, The Rock... it's enough to make the truly disturbing real life saga of a gang of bodybuilding thugs-turned-killers who bungled their way through unspeakable acts of torture and murder into a feelgood American Dream antihero tale!
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Holy Macross, the first trailer for Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim is here, and I can't believe what I'm seeing! Dimensional rifts, enormous monsters, and sweet sweet giant mechs battling it out over the streets of a large city while the helpless populace flees. Someone finally figured out how to update the kaiju genre without ruining it. Glory be!
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The second Man of Steel trailer has been released to the Internets, and by the gods it's actually very effective!
While retaining the moodiness of the first teaser, that mood now more clearly emphasizes Clark Kent's feelings of uncertainty and separation due to his alien heritage and fantastical powers. His arrest (first revealed in the poster released last week) has a bit more context too, as we see him stepping out from behind what appears to be the wreckage of military hardware, as soldiers draw their weapons. It looks like he makes his debut after the Kryptonian super villains led by General Zod, and submits to arrest to prove he isn't a threat, a much more interesting take on humanity's initial reaction to him.
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Shane Carruth has traversed back from the future to deliver us the first teaser trailer to his upcoming film Upstream Color.
The writer/director/star of 2004's Primer (and, eerily, NOTHING ELSE!!!!) is bringing his secretive new project to Sundance next month. (Between this and Zal Batmanglij's The East, the Sundance team should seriously consider rechristening the 2013 Fest as "Paranoid Futurists Hit The Slopes!")
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Well, maybe Brad Pitt won't save all of us. As you can see in the first full trailer for Marc Forster's big-budget action pic World War Z (via Apple), a few billion Earthlings will kick the bucket (but will probably reanimate, so there's that) when the undead rise against us. Watch the trailer to get a look at Pitt's shaggy-maned family man hero, who must to leave his wife (Mireille Enos) and their kids to go fight the zombie apocalypse for the sake of humanity in next summer's World War Z.
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I'll admit I was a bit iffy on this whole live singing concept in Tom Hooper's epic Les Miserables film adaptation... until now. The new international trailer swells with emotion, as everyone from Hugh Jackman to Anne Hathaway, to Amanda Seyfried, Russell Crowe, and Eddie Redmayne warble Claude-Michel Schönberg's iconic tunes like their Oscar hopes depend on it. Which they do. more »

Brad Pitt faces off against zombies in the first peek at World War Z, the anticipated and notoriously troubled book adaptation that has Hollywood aflutter. Are those notorious behind-the-scenes woes evident from these 30 seconds of footage? More importantly: Will Pitt's gloriously shaggy mane keep its luster as he flees from these hordes of CG zombies?
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Intentionally vague official plot synopsis, be damned; the first trailer for Iron Man 3 hit the 'net, bringing with it a handful of images and glimpses at scenes just begging to be captioned.
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Tony Stark is struggling to hold it together in the first trailer for Iron Man 3, and that's before Ben Kingsley as conveniently and ambiguously-ethnic baddie The Mandarin enters the picture with his samurai hair and his even more ambiguous weirdo accent.
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Tom Cruise IS Jack Reacher, screams the poster and new trailer for the Lee Child action adaptation. Is Paramount reaching, or is Cruise more and more believable as the bad-ass army cop who drives fast and punches bad guys in the balls as he investigates a suspicious multiple murder case?
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Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained had me at hello — or at "Dj-" if you will (the "d" is silent) — so at this point trailers and clips are just icing on the spaghetti "Southern." If I'm speaking a foreign language to you, forgive my excitement for Tarantino's latest neo-exploitation bonanza and just dive right into Movieline's rundown of the gunshots, dead baddies, and gleefully inside-baseball genre winks in the second trailer for Django Unchained.
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Look, I'm sure this Jai Courtney dude from Spartacus playing John McClane's beefy son/action heir is great and all, but there's just one reason to watch any Die Hard movie, and his name is Bruce MF'ing Willis. So check out the first trailer for A Good Day To Die Hard even though it takes a full 30 seconds of overly edited shots of warehouses and ambiguously visible bad men with guns to get to Bruno's familiar smirk and the explosion-y goodness that follows.
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Disney's first trailer for the big budget Wild West spectacle The Lone Ranger has everything but, y'know, the Lone Ranger himself — Armie Hammer, who's glimpsed here and there amid director Gore Verbinski's bright, sweeping vistas, but certainly isn't the center of attention. Based on this you'd think The Lone Ranger is about horses, runaway trains, slo-mo shoot-outs, and Johnny Depp as a painted face, bird-on-head, perpetually grimacing Tonto. Which, let's be honest, is why this movie exists in the first place.
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