Has The Host already entered its twilight as a potential film franchise? Stephenie Meyer has said she envisions her sci-fi follow-up to the blockbuster Twilight novel franchise, as a three-novel story arc, but the probability of those future books translating into a movie trilogy is looking iffy at best. more »

As terribly easy as it is to hate on the Twilight films, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II was the best of the series. (Not that it was without its share of WTFery — imprinting and vampire fistfights and every second of Michael Sheen onscreen, anyone?) But with Breaking Dawn - Part II nominated for 11 Razzie Awards in just ten categories, up against the likes of Adam Sandler's That's My Boy, Eddie Murphy's A Thousand Words, and the bizarro pop culture sensation/box office bomb The Oogieloves In Big Balloon Adventure, let's be real: Does Twilight truly deserve to win all the Razzies?
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2012 was a strong year for film, delivering numerous high quality event movies and also a ton of very excellent serious fare as well. But perhaps it's the overall high quality that made us take note of the moments in which we were wrenched out of our suspended disbelief, or maybe it's just that the gods of moviedom knew something had to be done to prevent people from taking themselves too seriously. Either way, the year was blessed with some rather amazeballs moments of unintentional awkwardness that really forced us to step back and gasp, "Did that really happen?!" [SPOILERS!] more »

Feeling that pre-Thanksgiving agita? I know, it's not the food. It's the thought of heaping helpings of stilted conversation about the presidential election and Wal-Mart's Black Friday strike. Well, you can thank me now or later, but I've got you covered. Back for a return holiday engagement is Movieline's gluten- and Trans fat-free turkey day conversation helper: 15 film-related topics that will insure that Grandpa never gets to his "Mitt Romney is the devil, but he's my devil" monologue. more »

Readers of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books know what happens at the end of Breaking Dawn... or do they? Movieline sat down with director Bill Condon for an all-out, no-holds-barred, spoilery chat about the shocking changes at the end of Breaking Dawn Part II that had fans gasping in theaters around the globe over the weekend — including how the filmmakers decided who lived and who died, and why if you blinked you may have missed the most earth-shattering character fates of them all.
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The Twilight series' concept of imprinting? Still a little weird. But interspecies love never looked so sweet as it does in this special effects reference photo of the real-life Jacob Black getting friendly with a human, the perfect shot of furry adorbs to counteract today's gruesome Hobbit pony-killing revelations.
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With The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part II finally in theaters, it’s time to get to spoiler-talkin’ — did Bill Condon & Co. blow minds with the Big Crazy Twist in their big-screen adaptation? How much sexy time do newborn vampires have? Is imprinting totally not creepy when the power of Taylor Lautner’s abs is compelling you?
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A 20-year-old man was arrested in Bolivar, Missouri after admitting he bought firearms and 400 rounds of ammunition with the intent of shooting patrons this weekend at a screening of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2 — an attack that, had it been carried out, would have echoed the Aurora, Colorado tragedy.
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The Twilight film franchise may have worked its way through Stephenie Meyer's books, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's over. Just watch my red-carpet interview with Elizabeth Reaser at Thursday night's New York premiere of Breaking Dawn — Part 2. The actress, who plays Esme Cullen, suggests that there may be more life in store for this undead saga. more »

After spending four years and five movies playing Bella Swan's vampire sister-in-law Rosalie Hale in the Twilight series, Nikki Reed understandably has a bittersweet perspective on the billion-dollar franchise coming to a close in this week's Breaking Dawn Part 2. On the one hand, she won't miss the hate mail from fans who have taken her character's onscreen iciness to Kristen Stewart's heroine to heart for four films. But few of Twilight's central figures have been as close to the saga as long as Reed has, dating back to even before director Catherine Hardwicke had cast Stewart and Robert Pattinson in the roles that would skyrocket them, the films, and all of their cast, to global fame.
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Whether you're a devoted Twihard, an absolute hater, or someone who's still just completely bewildered by Stephenie Meyer's oeuvre, you must give the Twilight saga this — these stories are incredible, unabashed distillations of teenage (or just teenage-at-heart) female fantasy. Male equivalents, like, say, most superhero stories, have come to dominate the mainstream and fill the summer blockbuster schedule to such an extent that the Twilight films are striking simply in how very different they are. And how crazily well they target certain girlish pleasure centers with their themes of eternal romance, playing house with the advantages of unlimited vampiric wealth, and being the one that everyone wants without even trying.
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Screams of elation, excitement — and at one point pure, unadulterated horror — echoed down through the rafters at the Nokia Theater last night as The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II premiered to crowd of well-heeled industry guests and legions of Twi-hards, all craning for a glimpse of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, who were in attendance alongside dozens of their Twilight co-stars.
Hollywood suits and fans alike seemed taken with the action-packed Twilight finale, which concludes the billion-dollar film franchise with a polished touch, new faces, a welcome dash of humor, and more than a few fan service moments dedicated to Bella and Edward's bloodsucking marital bliss.
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Can aliens be bigger drama queens than vampires? Next spring will tell. With the last installment of The Twilight Saga opening this weekend, Summit Entertainment has begun priming Twi-Hards for its next Stephenie Meyer project, The Host, which hits the big screen on March 29. more »

Here's something to add to the pile of things in life that'll make you feel old: Green Day's new music video for "The Forgotten," their single from the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 soundtrack. You read that right: The punk rockers, who once repped a generation of slackers with songs about masturbating and smoking weed, are now in bed with Twilight.
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 machine is underway and the film's on and off-screen couple are headed out on the road - though separately for now. Kristen Stewart headed to Tokyo to talk up the wildly successful conclusion to the vampire franchise, while Robert Pattinson flew Down Under for his whirlwind of engagements in Australia. While Twilight distributor is holding a strict "no-go" as far as questions about the real-life R-Patz/K-Stew drama that gripped segments of the celebrity-fueled chatter world in late summer/early fall, Pattinson did bring her up at a meeting with Oz journalists and more on his final play as Edward Cullen.
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