After several hours during which it was assumed to be a very competent fake, Warner Bros. has confirmed that the autographed photo originally posted this morning on Ain't It Cool News is indeed our first glimpse of Tom Hardy as Max Rockatansky in Mad Max: Fury Road. more »

Jessica Chastain is riding a huge wave of Best Actress buzz this week for Katherine Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty, but let's not forget the memorable impression she made earlier this year as a bootlegger's moll in John Hillcoat's brutal period drama Lawless. See Chastain, Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, and the Lawless gang channel Depression-era chic in Movieline's exclusive set of never-before-released photos from the Lawless set.
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The kinky erotic pop phenomenon 50 Shades of Grey has finally landed — or shall we say, tied down — a writer! British actress/scribe Kelly Marcel, who co-created the short-lived Steven Spielberg-produced series Terra Nova and scripted the upcoming Mary Poppins pic Saving Mr. Banks, will adapt E.L. James' S&M romance about a young woman who falls for Christian Grey, a damaged dreamboat with a bondage fetish.
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Now that John Hillcoat's brutal Prohibition tale Lawless has hit screens (read Movieline's review here) you can more vividly imagine the testosterone-and-moonshine fueled atmosphere that might have permeated the set, where, as Lawless legend has it, co-stars Shia LaBeouf and Tom Hardy had an unscripted scuffle. Nevertheless, while making the press rounds Hillcoat and LaBeouf both tried to squash rumors of the brotherly beef. Just a little innocent horseplay gone wrong?
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As rollicking and rough as a drive down a dirt road with no suspension, Lawless is a tale of three-bootlegging brothers from Prohibition-era Franklin County, Virginia, who are, in the words of one character, some "hard-ass crackers." Directed by Australia's John Hillcoat (The Road) and written by musician Nick Cave (who's adapted Matt Bondurant's historical novel The Wettest County in the World), Lawless is, like their last collaboration The Proposition, a kind of remixed Western at heart. It's a story in which the law and the outlaws are equally outsized and dangerous — and a world in which the fighting has nothing to do with keeping order and everything to do with displays of strength. more »

"Do you have any idea what a Thompson submachine gun does to a mortal?" Guy Pearce tells Tom Hardy about midway through this red-band trailer for Lawless. And, well, before you can say, "Swiss cheese!", Gary Oldman is riddling some poor sap in an old-fashioned automobile with lots of lead. more »

Rare is the movie in which every cast member performs at the same level — unless maybe you're talking about the uniformly jaw-dropping performances of everyone in Witless Protection. So, here at Movieline, we'd like to begin a tradition of ranking performances within movies — a sort of intramural Oscars, if you will — and asking you to weigh in with your own. We'll introduce polling and a catchy title soon enough, but we just had to start with The Dark Knight Rises — a movie in which the performances range from sublime (Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt) to wince-inducing (Marion Cotillard). See how your favorite — or least favorite — character rates below, and then leave your own ranking in the comments section.
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The Batman brand is in the toilet at the outset of The Dark Knight Rises, the third and most self-consciously ornate pillar of Christopher Nolan’s caped crusader resurrection trilogy. The four years since The Dark Knight have passed as eight within the city state of Gotham — one of the neater doublings in a movie inlaid with prismatic tiling — and even the mayor condemns Batman as “a murderous thug.”
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The stars of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises descended upon NYC — the O.G. Gotham City — to premiere the Batman trilogy finale Monday night, with some surprise guest celebs hitting the red carpet alongside Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Wonder how red carpet guest Donald Trump enjoyed the flick, which sees the hulking villain Bane encourage the 99% to rise up and topple the system into ruin? Or if Hathaway shared the secrets of her Catwoman costume with feminist icon Gloria Steinem? Those snaps and more in Movieline's TDKR premiere gallery...
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Of the stellar actors assembled for Ridley Scott's Prometheus, Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, and Fassy alone are worth the price of admission. But the lesser known cast member that I'm most looking forward to watching navigate Prometheus's space terrors is one Logan Marshall-Green, whom I previously declared the American Tom Hardy on account of his doppelganger status, and whom you may also recall from such prior milestones as being the hot (but totes bad news) Trey on The O.C.
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Born in Australia and raised in Canada, John Hillcoat spent a lot of time in America growing up taking family vacations through the American south, which provides the backdrop for his Cannes competition feature
Lawless, which will have its world premiere here Saturday night. Starring Shia Labeouf, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Guy Pearce, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska, the film is inspired by the true-life stories of Matt Bondurant's own family in his novel,
The Wettest County in the World and adapted for the screen by rocker Nick Cave.
Lawless centers on the Bondurant brothers, gangsters who sought success bootlegging in Prohibition-era Virginia.
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The final trailer for Christopher Nolan's July Bat-sequel The Dark Knight Rises is now available for your viewing pleasure (see it in theaters attached to The Avengers this Friday), and something rose, all right: My nerd boner. Yours will too when you watch Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway & Co. in the eerily somber third trailer, then join me in running down all the juicy sights and not-so-muffled sounds and breathtaking moments glimpsed within.
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Here's the first trailer for Lawless, née The Wettest County in the World, a.k.a. the long-shelved Prohibition thriller featuring Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, Gary Oldman and Guy Pearce dealing in all kinds of low-down bootlegging shenanigans. Violence? Check. Romance? Check. Clipped, moody dialogue courtesy of Hillcoat's Proposition screenwriter/punk prophet Nick Cave? Hell to the check. Cannes competition, here we come!
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He's played cops, a count, Houdini, a time traveler, a king, and even a drag queen, but in this week's Lockout, Guy Pearce treads new ground as an all-out action hero -- not that he necessarily sees things that way. "People used to say that about L.A. Confidential," he recalled to Movieline recently in Los Angeles. "They’d go, ‘Wow, so you’re an action hero!’ I’d be like, action hero? It’s a ‘50s film noir!" Even still, after 20+ years of acting, most recently in a string of acclaimed supporting turns (see: The King's Speech, The Hurt Locker, Animal Kingdom, Mildred Pierce), it's only now that Pearce is laying claim to the title, guns blazing.
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Oh...my...GOD, Becky -- look at Catwoman's butt. Ahem. In a new promo image from The Dark Knight Rises, Anne Hathaway poses as Catwoman and shows, as many salivating fanboys have already suggested, just why the Batman sequel might've earned that PG-13 for "sensuality." But wait! Why is everyone talking about Catwoman's butt and not Batman's meticulously sculpted-but-jaunty rubberized codpiece? Equal opportunity for costumed cosplay ogling after the jump, thanks to two new promo images for the July tentpole.
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