You think navigating a press junket after a personal controversy goes public is potentially awkward? Try braving throngs of journalists clamoring for an answer to The Twilight Saga's curious "imprinting" storyline, as Taylor Lautner did today when the franchise-ending Breaking Dawn Part II press tour kicked off.
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Kristen Stewart gave her first farewell comments to Twilight and her character Bella in Tokyo ahead of the super-popular franchise's final installment, Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, which opens in November. She said parting with Twilight is hard, but Bella, Robert Pattinson's Edward and Taylor Lautner's Jacob have been able to get "everything."
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 machine is underway and the film's on and off-screen couple are headed out on the road - though separately for now. Kristen Stewart headed to Tokyo to talk up the wildly successful conclusion to the vampire franchise, while Robert Pattinson flew Down Under for his whirlwind of engagements in Australia. While Twilight distributor is holding a strict "no-go" as far as questions about the real-life R-Patz/K-Stew drama that gripped segments of the celebrity-fueled chatter world in late summer/early fall, Pattinson did bring her up at a meeting with Oz journalists and more on his final play as Edward Cullen.
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If there were any concerns that recent personal dramas between Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson would somehow sink the prospects for the final installment of the monolithic franchise, the title's Twitter handle appears to suggest otherwise. Distributor Summit Entertainment touted that The Twilight Saga's Twitter handle, @Twilight has reached 1 million followers. That milestone makes it the first-ever movie to reach that many people via the social networking site. The news comes as some good news for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 after reports over the weekend that the pic's stars will opt out of upcoming Twilight conventions.
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Last night's landing of the Mars Science Laboratory, also known as the rover Curiosity, had all the excitement, drama and pathos of a major Hollywood film. Or, at least, the pre-title sequence of a major Hollywood film. If we do soon find ourselves re-living the historic moment on the big screen, we've got some casting suggestions for last night's adventure. Big shot producers, you don't owe us a thing — just save us a room on the Ark when it's time to move to Venus, m'kay?
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Twilight has been credited with really putting Comic-Con on the map, or if it was on the map already, then it put the massive fanboy (and girl) genre-action-science-fiction-nerd-thriller-bonanza front and center in the mid-July pop culture consciousness. But now the franchise is complete, but the cast came out en force to promote the film (not that it should have much problem luring adoring audiences and their cash). At the event, Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph speaks with the stars including Taylor Lautner who gives his personal feelings about Jacob and Robert Pattinson who offers up his view on whether his character has redefined "prince charming." And of course, there's Kristen Stewart, aka Vampire Bella. The actress tells what she thinks about the un-dead version of her character and what she thought of her before reading Breaking Dawn. Randolph also speaks with Ashley Greene about villains, and looking quite the adorable young star, Mackenzie Randolph shares insight on Renesmee. Check out the latest Twilight goings-on from the red carpet…
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Oh hey, remember Twilight? That book that was a movie that spawned a gazillion-dollar franchise before The Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Grey made you momentarily forget about sparkly vampires? Well, it's back, and the latest EW cover serves to remind us all that Breaking Dawn - Part 2 — the franchise ender, due in November — is just on the horizon. Forthwith, your first look at Vampire Bella, Daddy Edward, and, uh, Uncle Jacob with Breaking Dawn's preternaturally mature baby Renesmee.
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Come on, admit it: You are going to miss The Twilight Saga when it's over — especially the delectably, heavily airbrushed countenances of the films' Big Three stars, glowering out from an eternity of repackaged DVD/Blu-ray sets, Twilight fan cruises, B-action notoriety, story-driven nudity and whatever else awaits beyond the horizon. I know I am! Forever, indeed. That is a very long time. I can barely finish this post conveying the new Breaking Dawn - Part 2 character posters, it is all so wrenching.
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So you may have heard that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have business this week at Cannes. Where does that leave Twilight Saga third wheel Taylor Lautner in the post-franchise wilderness? Good question! Because I have no idea what to make of the movie he's attached to at the Cannes Film Market.
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There's nothing terribly sensational here to get excited about in the first two official stills from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, except for -- ZOMG! -- a certain pair of blood-red vampire eyes staring out at us amidst the smoldering looks and pale prettiness on display. And the almost surreal perfection of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner's complexions. Fun fact: Twilight's vampires not only sparkle in the sunlight, they never have to blink. Hit the jump for images!
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Run, little deer! Run from the sultry, nubile vampire on your bushy tail! Taylor Lautner may attempt to fool you into thinking she's normal, but you can see past that in her swift stride and blood-red, undead gaze. She's right around that tree, little deer! Run for your life!
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Late night host Jimmy Kimmel's tradition of filming a post-Oscar movie-related spoof continued Sunday night with a "trailer" for Movie: The Movie, the ultimate star-studded epic to end all epics. In addition to featuring a host of stars, from Taylor Lautner to Helen Mirren to Tyler Perry (er, "Daniel Day-Lewis as Tyler Perry as George Washington"), the Kimmel-produced gag covered just about every genre and trope known to the movies. I give it a few years before some suit turns this into a reality.
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Congrats aren't just in order for the winners of tonight's Film Independent Spirit Awards; major props go to Adam Sandler for an outstanding showing in today's Razzie nominations announcement, which found the Jack & Jill/Just Go With It star breaking the previous record for most personal Razzie nominations earned in a year. (Sandler won 11 nominations, while Jack & Jill itself earned 12.) Eddie Murphy, guess you're off the hook for the Year of Norbit. See the full list of fairly obvious nominees vying for Golden Raspberry (dis)honors after the the jump and leave your predictions below.
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Traditionally a "guilty pleasure" is something you'd be embarrassed for the world to know you secretly enjoyed or for your Facebook friends to see you clicked on, but you know what? Around here we embrace the bad-to-godawful movies we love, and besides; what the heck does it even mean to like something ironically, you insufferable hipster? Toss away your pretentious hat, sit down in the circle of trust, take a deep breath, and join Movieline in unabashedly celebrating the inane, misguided, off-the-mark, and downright B-A-D but nevertheless shamelessly entertaining movies of the year - the Top 9 Not-So-Guilty Pleasures of 2011. Because we all love some terrible things, don't we?
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The Twilight Saga sparkled to another #1 opening, as if you had any doubt; it was just a matter of how many millions Breaking Dawn would rake in, after Friday's $72 million opening day. But while all the excitement over weddings, butter-colored honeymoons, and monster vampire babies couldn't quite help BD eclipse New Moon (groan), it still nudged out Pirates of the Caribbean: The One with the Kraken for the #5 biggest opening of all time. That's forever, baby. Let's get our imprinting on in today's Weekend Receipts.
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