Also in Thursday evening's round-up of news briefs, Bennett Miller's Channing Tatum-Steve Carrell drama heads to theaters; Stellan Skarsgård joins a comedy/drama; And Wreck-It-Ralph is on track to dominating the weekend's box office.
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Your guess is as good as mine as to what the heck's going on in new set photos from Terrence Malick's latest picture, in which Natalie Portman and Michael Fassbender appear to be getting down to lip-locking in a field... and are interrupted by a green lizard man with "FREAK" tattoed across his chest. What's Terry up to down in Austin?
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Also in Tuesday afternoon's round-up of news briefs, AMC Entertainment's acquisition is now complete. After Dark Films eyes a horror. The Dark Knight Rises passes another box office milestone. And Jim Carrey is confirmed for a Kick-Ass role.
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Also in Tuesday afternoon's round-up of news briefs, anti-Obama documentary 2016 continues its box office surge after the weekend as Republicans gather for their convention. Scott Pictures teams with Exclusive Media for new sales label. Venice Film Festival opener gets a sale. And Tony Scott's family sets up a scholarship.
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If you thought you were getting any work done during the second part of the day, think again. The good people at Vulture have apparently teamed up with the RAND Corporation and NASA to devise a series of charts with endless permutations that rank today's most valuable movie stars. But, we ask: Who are today's Most Valuable Indie Stars?
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In Monday morning's round-up of news briefs, Oscar-winner Ernest Borgnine is remembered after he died over the weekend. Also, as awards season approaches, SAG opens up its submissions; Christopher Nolan gets his prints at Grauman's Chinese; Michael Fassbender boards a franchise; Beasts still strong in the specialty box office and Norway's The Almost Man wins a top film festival prize.
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Here's a YouTube mashup that is a little too much fun to ignore: Michael Fassbender as secret agent 007 in Christopher Nolan's James Bond (as edited together by one inspired internet film enthusiast).
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Of the many, many unexplained puzzles left untangled in Ridley Scott's Prometheus, one deliberately vague scene has had Prometheus-watchers scratching their heads and speculating for weeks — let's call it the "Lost in Translation" question. So what did Michael Fassbender's David say, in non-translated ancient alien-speak, to a certain you-know-who in Prometheus? Actual answers within!
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People with a strong sartorial sense know the difference between what’s elegant and what’s merely elaborate. It’s not the same in the movie world, where big and overcomplicated is so often mistaken for better, when really it’s only...big and overcomplicated. Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, designed as a sort-of prequel to the director’s 1979 terror-in-space aria Alien, is elaborate all right. But it’s imaginative only in a stiff, expensive way. Scott vests the movie with an admirable degree of integrity – it doesn’t feel like a cheap grab for our moviegoing dollars – but it doesn’t inspire anything so vital as wonder or fear, either. Prometheus has been one of the most anticipated pictures of the summer, but its lackluster payoff is summed up perfectly by one of its chief characters, a scientist who travels a long way from Earth in the hope of meeting the allegedly superior beings who created us humans: “This place isn’t what we thought it was.”
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Can't get enough of this Friday's Prometheus? Then you'll want to watch this shot-for-shot fan trailer that recreates every moment of Ridley Scott's second Prometheus trailer with paper and flashlights, which is at once the antithesis of the effects-laden sci-fi pic and a neat-o celebration of its fantastical imagery. Plus: Paper Fassbender! Still hot.
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I'm not watching these four new clips (and a bonus featurette) from Prometheus, which I can watch in its entirety when it opens in nine days. You are on your own. But while I presume we can probably piece together roughly 64 percent of the film from these and other previously released clips, commercials, teasers and trailers, can anyone really blame Fox for emulating Marvel's Avengers strategy of keeping the glimpses coming all the way to opening day — especially as positive but not gushing reviews trickle out for their R-rated tentpole? If the buzz fits, wear it.
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Happens to the best of us: "'At the beginning people [say], "You’re going to be going to the Oscars," and you’re like, "Whatever, doesn’t matter, don’t think so." But after a while it does penetrate. After a while you’re like, "Anyway, so I’m going to the Oscars…"' He laughs. 'And you start to believe it. And I did. I thought I was going. And then I found out I wasn’t and I was upset. I was very upset by it. The first reaction was "What the fuck…?"' He sounds frustrated that he had let himself get sucked in. 'It’s a vanity thing. It does become important to you. And it shouldn’t.' On reflection, he decided that he had learned something about misplaced priorities. 'A good little lesson.'" [GQ]

Here's just what you need to keep that Prometheus mania going: A batch of fantastic Prometheus photos and stills featuring Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, and others from the cast in their spiffy (and skin-tight) Prometheus space suits. It's a space suit party! Oh, the laughs Charlize and Fassy and Noomi share when they're not on set staring ominously into the distant at unknown horrors, or resting those space helmets on those sassy hips.
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On the one hand, the difference between the domestic and international trailers for Prometheus is staggering: The former sells atmosphere and legacy while the latter sells both of those and story (and Charlize Theron, I guess). On the other hand, they have the most important component in common: They sell the hell out of Ridley Scott's Alien throwback.
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The Prometheus campaign's Guy Pearce TED Talk from the future was pretty clever, but there's an uncanny brilliance to this new viral spot that focuses on Michael Fassbender's android character, David. In a fictional ad for Weyland Corp., "David" outlines the advanced features and tech that make him a perfect robot -- able to assimilate into the human work force, think on his own, and even cry. But something tells me all will not turn out to be muted pastels and obedience and robot smiles once the space poop hits the fan...
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