As terribly easy as it is to hate on the Twilight films, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II was the best of the series. (Not that it was without its share of WTFery — imprinting and vampire fistfights and every second of Michael Sheen onscreen, anyone?) But with Breaking Dawn - Part II nominated for 11 Razzie Awards in just ten categories, up against the likes of Adam Sandler's That's My Boy, Eddie Murphy's A Thousand Words, and the bizarro pop culture sensation/box office bomb The Oogieloves In Big Balloon Adventure, let's be real: Does Twilight truly deserve to win all the Razzies?
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2012 was a strong year for film, delivering numerous high quality event movies and also a ton of very excellent serious fare as well. But perhaps it's the overall high quality that made us take note of the moments in which we were wrenched out of our suspended disbelief, or maybe it's just that the gods of moviedom knew something had to be done to prevent people from taking themselves too seriously. Either way, the year was blessed with some rather amazeballs moments of unintentional awkwardness that really forced us to step back and gasp, "Did that really happen?!" [SPOILERS!] more »

With one last action-packed trailer, Summit continues its final marketing push to bring the $2 billion Twilight Saga down the home stretch. What's nice about this full two-minute trailer is it actually builds tension, at least, moreso than the abridged looks we've had this week. And while it lays down more of a foundation for the final epic throwdown between good vampires and not-so-good vampires that wraps up the series, we also get the tiniest explanation of the "immortal child" hullabaloo at the center of Breaking Dawn.
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If there were any concerns that recent personal dramas between Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson would somehow sink the prospects for the final installment of the monolithic franchise, the title's Twitter handle appears to suggest otherwise. Distributor Summit Entertainment touted that The Twilight Saga's Twitter handle, @Twilight has reached 1 million followers. That milestone makes it the first-ever movie to reach that many people via the social networking site. The news comes as some good news for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 after reports over the weekend that the pic's stars will opt out of upcoming Twilight conventions.
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"After 18 years of being utterly ordinary, I finally found I could shine." Twilight's Bella Swan has gotten a lot of flack for her penchant for passive pouting and agonizing over boys, but in Breaking Dawn Part 2 she finally comes into her own, a fully fledged vampiress possessing newfound confidence and strength. Hey, having a monster baby will do incredible things to a girl. You know this. You watch Teen Mom. See Kristen Stewart come alive — so to speak — in the full teaser trailer.
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Run, little deer! Run from the sultry, nubile vampire on your bushy tail! Taylor Lautner may attempt to fool you into thinking she's normal, but you can see past that in her swift stride and blood-red, undead gaze. She's right around that tree, little deer! Run for your life!
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Kristen Stewart should finally get to have some fun this November in Summit's franchise-ending The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, which sees heroine Bella Swan finally blossom into the hot lady vampire mom she was always meant to be. A new teaser reveals your first full look at Stewart as Vampire Bella flexing her new superpowers, making out with Robert Pattinson, worrying about the hordes who want to kill her baby -- you know, the usual new parent routine.
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