Two new international trailers have dropped for Only God Forgives, Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn's next film with Ryan Gosling, and they're sinewy, tense numbers that do an effective job of ratcheting up anticipation for the picture. Audiences at the Cannes Film Festival will get to see the movie on May 22, while U.S. moviegoers will have to wait until July 19. more »

Ryan Gosling has inspired a coloring book, so why not some poetry? If Baby Goose's portrayal of a motorcycle-riding, bank-robbing daddy in Derek Cianfrance's impressive The Place Beyond The Pines intrigues you, then keep reading. Movieline has a cool music-oriented prize pack to give away to the contestant who impresses me the most with a haiku about the actor's role and/or performance. more »

To counter the operatic heat of Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby, I now bring you the cinematic cool of Nicolas Winding Refn and Ryan Gosling. A zen-like calm dominates this red band trailer for Only God Forgives, despite some very violent shit going down. more »

Why do the robbery scenes in Derek Cianfrance's The Place Beyond The Pines seem so authentic? They're as close as you can get to the real thing without breaking the law! "Derek had this rule that all of those bank heists would be shot in one take," explains star Ryan Gosling. "And so there was just an energy to them that I don't think you could have got if you were breaking it up."
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Derek Cianfrance's The Place Beyond The Pines remains among my favorite unreleased movies since I saw it at the Toronto International Film Festival in September, it's testament to the movie's satisfying complexity that these three video clips don't really convey the emotional wallop that the film packs. more »

Hey girl, did you know Los Angeles is big enough for two Ryan Goslings? Meet Richie Calhoun, the adult actor who's the porn industry's go-to Gosling equivalent since he starred in the XXX parody of The Notebook, Diary of Love. Calhoun — at present, a smart blonde with big blue eyes, a degree from a top-15 U.S. News & World Report college and an address in L.A.'s very hip Echo Park neighborhood — is such a perfect match for Gosling's lover/fighter/poet shtick that he was asked to play him again for the adult remake of Crazy Stupid Love (aka Crazy in Love). more »

Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes and Bradley Cooper are at the center of Focus Features' newest poster for its upcoming The Place Beyond the Pines by director Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine. The film, which debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival last September, revolves around a motorcycle stunt rider who turns to bank robbing in order to provide for his newborn child.
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Ryan Gosling hasn't saved any lives on the streets of New York lately, or gotten the bottom of the whole Area 51 aliens debate that we know he'll solve one day. So, in the mean time, let's take a look at these Wait! What? Internet reports that he almost became a member of the Backstreet Boys. more »

The cops play things as dirty as the crooks in Gangster Squad, an impressively pulpy underworld-plunger that embellishes on a 1949 showdown between a dedicated team of LAPD officers and Mob-connected Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) for control of the city. Set squarely in classic-noir territory, the bombastic crimer applies a pre-Production Code amorality to this world of vice, though its gleeful depiction of violence backfired once already, forcing the removal of a scene featuring Tommy guns blazing in a crowded movie theater due to the shootings in Aurora, Colo. A six-month delay should heal all wounds for this Warners release. more »

George Lucas apparently has much atoning to do for his decision to sell LucasFilm to Disney. The Star Wars creator and film mogul comes in for a heavy tweaking in the list of 10 Celebrity New Year's Resolutions posted by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's Funny or Die website. more »

"If you ride like lightning, you're going to crash like thunder," sounds like something Dennis Hopper would have said in the 1970s (and, actually, the 80s, too), but the always-compelling Ben Mendelsohn gets the line in Derek Cianfrance'sThe Place Beyond The Pines. Although you only hear Mendelsohn deliver it in voiceover in this trailer for the feature, it's a warning he delivers to his partner-in-crime motorcycle stuntman-turned-bank robber Ryan Gosling in the film. more »

Ben Mendelsohn has played a lot of memorable criminals over the last two years, but it's sign of his chops that the performances have virtually nothing in common. The son of a neuroscientist and a self-described "autodidact," Mendelsohn, 43, began as a TV actor in his native Australia in 1980s and encountered film stardom there in 1987 as the ill-fated juvenile delinquent Trevor in The Year My Voice Broke. more »

Feeling that pre-Thanksgiving agita? I know, it's not the food. It's the thought of heaping helpings of stilted conversation about the presidential election and Wal-Mart's Black Friday strike. Well, you can thank me now or later, but I've got you covered. Back for a return holiday engagement is Movieline's gluten- and Trans fat-free turkey day conversation helper: 15 film-related topics that will insure that Grandpa never gets to his "Mitt Romney is the devil, but he's my devil" monologue. more »

Nicolas Winding Refn has said that the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre inspired him to become a filmmaker. So we shouldn't be surprised that Ryan Gosling appears to be sporting a quasi-Leatherface look in what may be a poster for Only God Forgives. (Check it out after the jump.) Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but the actor's face does look pretty damn tore up. more »

So the good news is pouring in for Channing Tatum today. In addition to nabbing People's Sexiest Man Alive honor, GQ magazine chose the Magic Mike star as its Movie Star of the Year, part of its annual Men of the Year issue. That means Tatum and his strong chin will be gracing at least two magazine covers in the coming weeks, and that's got me wondering: where is the Twi-hard outrage over Robert Pattinson being snubbed? more »