Prepare for a 2015 clash of the superhero titans: According to the LA Times, Warner Bros. is moving full steam ahead on their Justice League movie with an eye to hit theaters in Summer 2015, which also happens to be when Marvel's set the blockbuster sequel to their enormously successful Avengers.
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It's been rumored for years, but it looks like Warner Bros. is finally going to convert the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz to 3-D. Thank James Cameron and the Titanic 3-D rerelease that brought in cruise ship-loads of money. Temper that knee-jerk reaction for just a moment and consider: Could Wizard of Oz 3-D actually be a great thing for cinema?
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To paraphrase Clemenza from The Godfather: Move the picture. Keep the scene.
Deadline Hollywood reported that Warner Bros. has decided to push the release date of Gangster Squad to January 11, 2013. more »

Gangster Squad does not look like it will be coming to a theater near you any time soon.
In the wake of the mass shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colo., an industry insider tells Movieline that Warner executives are expected to decide today whether to reschedule the release of the Ruben Fleischer-directed film about the L.A. police departments war against the organized crime in the 1940s and 50s.
And the insider says odds the picture — which stars Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn and Josh Brolin — will keep its Sept.7 release date are pretty long. more »

It's hard to imagine most folks will be eager to rush into cinemas this weekend following the tragedy out of Aurora, Colorado, even those who've been anticipating the release of The Dark Knight Rises for months. While Matt Patches over at Hollywood.com thoughtfully wonders if audiences will return swiftly to theaters, The Wrap reports that Warner Bros. are themselves scrambling to figure out how to balance their multi-million dollar Dark Knight Rises roll-out campaign with common decency and empathy for the victims, their families, and a shaken nation.
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This morning's horrific Colorado multiplex shooting, which left at least 12 attendees of a midnight Dark Knight Rises screening dead, has prompted an ongoing wave of reactions from Hollywood to the White House and beyond.
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No, really — I'm asking: "Scalpers reportedly are re-selling The Dark Knight Rises’ midnight IMAX tickets for $65-$100 apiece on both Craigslist and StubHub for NYC’s AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13 — higher even than for Avengers. Yet this may be my favorite Dark Knight Rises pre-release factoid so far: 'All the major circuits have asked for more frequent pickups from their Brink’s Truck drivers to deposit the record amount of cash they are anticipating,' a Warner Bros exec told me today." [Deadline]

In Tuesday morning's round up of news briefs, Paramount offered kind words for Tom Cruise. Warner Bros is readying an outdoor free Comic-Con experience coinciding with the event; The Amazing Spider-Man is poised to do record box office domestically with its Tuesday release; The Butler adds an additional cast member and Fandango eyes a record quarter.
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In the immortal words of Blue Oyster Cult's Buck Dharma, “history shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.” He was singing about Godzilla and we're speaking about him, too, as Hollywood has decided to lay another bet on the city-stompin' monster from the Far East.
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Also in Monday morning's news round-up, Your Sister's Sister leads in the specialty box office over a very quiet weekend for limited release titles, Warner Bros. beats the rap after Louis Vuitton tries to bag the studio for knockoff joke, and you too can figure out how to find a bad movie.
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In this 70th anniversary year of Casablanca, it only seems fitting that Michael Curtiz's classic should emerge this week in the medium where its indelible romantic splendor finally can take root and thrive: on Facebook.
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There's good news and bad news from Warner Bros. about Gravity and Gangster Squad, two of its most anticipated fall releases. Which do you prefer first? The bad news? Why, of course!
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This morning's Biz Break includes news of Webby Award winners, more Hulk gigs for Mark Ruffalo, a Rascal-y pick up by Warner Bros. and a new venture by the founder of Summit Entertainment.
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Well, not free free, but still: Hollywood superproducer Joel Silver is looking for a new studio home for his Silver Pictures operation, with which Warner Bros. will officially part ways at the end of 2012. The separation marks the close of a 25-year relationship that yielded blockbuster franchises from Lethal Weapon to The Matrix to Sherlock Holmes — and more than a few shouting matches, outstanding loans and other troubling legacies.
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This is... interesting: Warner Bros. and Todd Phillips have brought in writer/directors Mark and Jay Duplass to have a crack at adapting Mule, Tony D'Souza's novel about a couple who turn to drug trafficking to make it in the recession. Phillips would direct, making the project the first time the Duplasses, who recently drew mixed reviews with Jeff, Who Lives at Home, did not direct one of their scripts. Unless Phillips goes off and spends the next two years on The Hangover Part III, in which case I guess it might be the brothers' first time directing an adaptation. Wait and see, etc. [Deadline]