Latino Review is citing a source who says Warner Bros. has settled on storyline its 2015 Justice League movie. According to the tipster, the film will look to issues 183-185 of the Justice League comic, which was released back in 1980. That plot has Darkseid — confirmed as the movie's villain — attempting to use a magical laser beam to blast planet Earth to bits and move his home world, Apokolips, into its place. Yikes! more »

The second Man of Steel trailer has been released to the Internets, and by the gods it's actually very effective!
While retaining the moodiness of the first teaser, that mood now more clearly emphasizes Clark Kent's feelings of uncertainty and separation due to his alien heritage and fantastical powers. His arrest (first revealed in the poster released last week) has a bit more context too, as we see him stepping out from behind what appears to be the wreckage of military hardware, as soldiers draw their weapons. It looks like he makes his debut after the Kryptonian super villains led by General Zod, and submits to arrest to prove he isn't a threat, a much more interesting take on humanity's initial reaction to him.
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If you lived through Watchmen's troubled journey to the screen, Zack Snyder's Man of Steel doesn't exactly make one feel like leaping the nearest tall building. Watchmen is the platonic ideal of missing the forest for the trees, and as for his work overall, there's only so many times you can see slow-motion downward-punching before you start to wonder if his characters are suffering from undiagnosed strokes.
That Man of Steel is being exec produced by Chris Nolan should be a point in its favor, but after The Dark Knight Rises, in which we're expected to believe the same government that secretly assassinated Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan can't handle an ostentatious blowhard taking over an American city, I can't help but fear for the grim, poorly plotted future in store for Superman.
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Sitting through the interminable credits of a special-effects laden comic-book superhero movie is not my idea of fun, but after reading Drew McWeeny's HitFix post on Joseph Gordon-Levitt donning the Batsuit, I'm starting my glute exercises early in preparation for Warner Bros. and DC Comics June 2013 release of Man of Steel. more »

Well, another power couple have locked lips and the result may be nothing short of earth-shattering. No longer relegated to the sidelines in this Summer filled with Batman and Spider-Man hoopla, Wonder Woman and Superman have hit the headlines with a snogging session that has turned the super-hero universe into a flutter - or at least some raised eyebrows and a little good-old fashioned gossip. Could their off-screen romance some day even make it to the big screen?
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Today Warner Bros. released the first teaser for 2013's superhero reboot Man of Steel, an elegiac glimpse of Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), as a man and a boy, accompanied by memories of childhood paternal advice telling him of his destiny as Earth's savior. But Clark/Superman has two dads — biological Kryptonian pop Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and adoptive farmer pa Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner), giving fans a neat double tease: One teaser, two voice-overs.
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Directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller made names for themselves with their feature debut, the animated Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, before moving on to direct Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill in the live-action hit 21 Jump Street. As they work up their next film — WB's live-action/CG blend LEGO adaptation, apparently titled Lego: The Piece of Resistance, based on the plastic toy building blocks — the duo are casting a few familiar superheroes to appear in the pic.
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Amid the hustle and bustle of last weekend's WonderCon, Movieline's camera caught the assorted superheroes walking among us giving into those utterly human moments we all share: There was Supergirl seeking respite from the chaos in the powder room; Silk Spectre tagging that one Jedi padawan on Facebook; even that rascally Deadpool photobombing Body-Paint Batman as he posed for a paparazzi shot on the convention floor. After the jump, browse Movieline's gallery for these and more moments at WonderCon that remind us that beneath the superpowers and spandex and tights, superheroes -- like celebrities -- really are just like us.
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Film journalist and biographer David Hughes has long written with authority on subjects from Stanley Kubrick to David Lynch. But few writers know more about the vicissitudes of that uniquely Hollywood phenomenon known as "development hell." Hence the updated, revised edition of Hughes's book Tales From Development Hell, which arrives in store and online today. And Movieline has an exclusive excerpt that you can browse now.
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The five-time Oscar-winning (and 47-time Oscar-nominated) composer and conductor John Williams was born 80 years ago today in Flushing, Queens. Somewhere a concertmaster is no doubt preparing a 100-piece orchestra for a rousing, booming rendition of "Happy Birthday," but for now, we can send our own regards with a discussion of his finest composition for the screen. You only have, oh, 130-something projects to choose from.
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Much has been made of British actor Henry Cavill's abs in this week's Immortals, or the strange, logic-defying Superman beard spied on the set of Man of Steel. Never mind that the 28-year-old actor turns in a persuasive dramatic performance in Tarsem's stylized fantasy myth, playing the classic hero Theseus as an honorable peasant battling a sadistic god-hating tyrant (Mickey Rourke) with the aid of a comely priestess (Freida Pinto) and supernatural bow and arrows. But therein lies the surprise: Go to Immortals for the bloody action, or the mythological spin, or the wonderment of Tarsem's visuals, and you'll also get the pleasant revelation that Cavill wears leading man status like a natural.
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"The most chilling ghost story of our time?" you say, new trailer for The Woman in Black? We'll be the judge of that. So far it looks like Harry Potter has gone back in time to trudge worriedly through a haunted house stocked with creepy little girls and jump scares. Can't he just retire these spooks to some old paintings on the wall and be done with them, already? Expecto petr-ho-hum, if you ask me. But take a look for yourself, and stick around for more of your Friday Buzz Break.
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You know the full cast list, you got your first look at Henry Cavill in the suit, but you still hunger for more details from Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, eh? Well, for the Superman fans out there who just have to know, a synopsis purporting to reveal the official plot for WB's upcoming superhero reboot has surfaced online. But is it the real deal? (Click ahead only if you really, absolutely have to know...)
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The casting blitz for Zack Snyder's Superman reboot Man of Steel keeps adding surprising but well-liked members to its cast (see Movieline's growing gallery here), with Deadline reporting that Law & Order: SVU's Emmy-nominated Christopher Meloni is negotiating for an unknown but "major" role in the pic.
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It was an agonizing enough process just getting cast in Tarsem's Immortals, stars Luke Evans and Henry Cavill told Movieline over the weekend at WonderCon, where audiences got their first look at the November fantasy pic. But the real struggle, they say, was in reaching and maintaining the physique required of their roles as Zeus and Theseus, respectively -- characters for whom godlike perfection was a prerequisite. But hey, no pressure!
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