One of the biggest days in the indie film calendar arrived Wednesday with the unveiling of the Sundance Film Festival's U.S. Dramatic and Documentary Competition slate along with the premiere event's World Cinema Dramatic and Documentary lineups and titles screening in the fest's NEXT section. Hit the jump for the line-ups!
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Perhaps she's taking a cue from her Harry Potter co-star Daniel Radcliffe, but Emma Watson has taken a shine for musical theater after performing some numbers from The Rocky Horror Picture Show in her latest film, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
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Also in Monday morning's round-up of news briefs, Daniel Radcliffe is set to return to fantasy playing a rape suspect. A trio of titles lead the specialty box office's newcomers over the weekend. And Roger Ebert breaks down the stats on upcoming dueling The Hobbit and Avatar blockbusters and theaters' ability to show them.
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Also in Friday morning's news round up, The Weinstein Company picks up a pair of films (including a documentary by Bernard-Henri Lévy), Boy Toy gets a leading lady, North America is set to Sleep Tight, and more...
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Well! Quite a week for inspired Russian-history film news! If it's not Paul Schrader adapting ballerina biopics, then its Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe pairing up to play the same guy in Sky Arts' four-part series A Young Doctor's Notebook.
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Anyone? "I don't think the Oscars like commercial films, or kids' films, unless they're directed by Martin Scorsese. I was watching Hugo the other day and going, 'Why is this nominated and we're not?' I was slightly miffed." [Radio Times via NY Post]

Two supernatural thrillers joined a pair of spooky holdovers in the top five of this weekend's box office, where one of the world's biggest stars was no match for the low-budget telepathic shenanigans of Team Chronicle. And, er, what happened to Drew Barrymore? Your Weekend Receipts are here.
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The much-anticipated Daniel Radcliffe ghost-story thriller The Woman in Black opens Feb. 3. This calls for a giveaway! But considering what you stand to win (including an iPod Nano and a signed WIB poster), we're going to make you work for it. (Sort of.) Welcome to Movieline's Daniel Radcliffe Mini Fan Fiction Sweepstakes! [UPDATE 2/2: Contest is now closed -- thanks to all who participated! Scroll down for the winning submission.]
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The pleasures of the period ghost story The Woman in Black are something like the creepy shiver of delight you get from Edward Gorey’s illustrated poem The Gashlycrumb Tinies, which describes horrific deaths suffered by innocents of yore (“I is for Ida who drowned in a lake/J is for James who took lye by mistake”), accompanied by heavily crosshatched drawings of wan moppets wearing black cotton stockings and mournful expressions. Terrible things happen in The Woman in Black: Children are snatched from their parents by the Grim Reaper, nurseries become insane asylums and numerous unseen nasties go bump in the night. But director James Watkins has just the right touch with the polishing cloth: The picture has the soft, dark gleam of a piece of Victorian mourning jewelry, and its gloom is always offered with a wink.
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James Franco. Hank Azaria. David Cross. Ron Livingston. It's a broad range of actors who've been enlisted previously to play Beat icon Allen Ginsberg, none of them quite delivering the poet's intellect and spirit opposite the, er, best minds of his generation. Now comes the news that Daniel Radcliffe will take a shot of his own at Ginsberg in director John Krokidas's Kill Your Darlings.
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Harry Potter star (or, as Saturday Night Live's Jason Sudeikis dubs him below, "Sex Wizard") Daniel Radcliffe will step up to host SNL this Saturday, so to prepare for the big night he and Sudeikis shot a promo video teasing the hilarity to come. "Are you doing a character? Like a chimney sweep?" Sudeikis asks upon hearing Radcliffe speak. "Can you do an American accent?" With a resounding "Chill, broseph," Radcliffe shows that yes, he totes can. Watch the erstwhile Harry Potter speak bro and wax poetic about Mountain Dew after the jump.
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Earlier this fall, Forbes figured out which dead celebrities are still making millions from the grave. In the continual spirit of measuring Hollywood stars by their bank accounts, Forbes has calculated which of today's actors and actresses provide studios with the best return on their investments. Can you guess the five most bankable stars in Hollywood today? I'm betting that you can name at least two...
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Here it is, the reason I renewed my subscription to the internet: Rich lists. They're just maddening, enthralling and depressing no matter who's on them. Actually, if I were on one, I'd be depressed about it. Like, "I'm the richest? Is this all there is? Time to move to Sedona. Time to open a stationery shop." On the UK magazine Heat's 30 Under 30 Rich List, you'll be pleased to learn that the UK's young movie stars make more money than its pop stars. But who leads the tally?
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This weekend, most of the Harry Potter cast and filmmakers flew down to Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter to fête the home release of Deathly Hallows -- Part 2, the final installment in the film series based on J.K. Rowling's beloved books. At a Potter-themed party in Hogsmeade Village Saturday night -- complete with a performance by the frog choir, endless rounds of butter beer served by wizards and fireworks -- franchise star Rupert Grint took a moment to play a round of 'My Favorite Scene' with Movieline.
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"The most chilling ghost story of our time?" you say, new trailer for The Woman in Black? We'll be the judge of that. So far it looks like Harry Potter has gone back in time to trudge worriedly through a haunted house stocked with creepy little girls and jump scares. Can't he just retire these spooks to some old paintings on the wall and be done with them, already? Expecto petr-ho-hum, if you ask me. But take a look for yourself, and stick around for more of your Friday Buzz Break.
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