It was looking iffy there for a while, but Disney chief Robert Iger has confirmed that the record-shattering Marvel blockbuster's follow-up is on the way some time after the next installments of Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, all due between 2013-2014.
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The influential, Oscar-nominated talent whose breakout year included six roles has taken to her Facebook page to officially pass on Iron Man 3: "My schedule is jammed packed and I can't fit anything else in. The press announced my possible attachment far too soon. I know many of you wanted me to be involved, and I'm so sorry to disappoint you. Hopefully there'll be another Marvel film in my future. Shane Black and everyone on the IM3 team are really wonderful. I'm very excited to see the film when it comes out." Asked for their reactions, every other young actress in Hollywood sighed in unison, "Finally." [Facebook via ComicBookMovie]
Scan the latest from a busy Monday news day in Movieline's newly minted Biz Break. Following this morning's edition of the new column is a slew of casting news from Iron Man 3 to Woody Allen's next project, while the folks at CAA caught a surprise break from the office today thanks to a power outage.
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This just in from Variety: "Ben Kingsley is in final talks to play the villain in Iron Man 3, but fans of the comic book character will be disappointed to learn he won’t take on original Tony Stark archenemy the Mandarin." Well, good. I for one am glad that Ben Kingsley will not be playing a Chinese guy. Instead, the Oscar-winning actor will reportedly play a baddie "involved in the spread of a virus through nanobots."
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“I think that we have an opportunity with the third Iron Man to make the best of the three, and maybe one of the better superhero movies that’s ever been made. But I think we have to remember what made the first one good. It was very character-driven. It was very odd. It was kind of outrageous. And so I think we have to have the courage to trust that the audience is really kind of cool, and smart.” Ah yes, Robert Downey Jr., "cool audiences" -- the elusive fifth quadrant. Here's to hoping Iron Man 3 doesn't repeat the series sophomore slump. [Omelete via Collider]
Appearing over the weekend at the Los Angeles Times' Hero Complex Film Festival, Jon Favreau and surprise guest Robert Downey Jr. talked up a storm regarding their two Iron Man flicks, the Avengers movie, Favreau's work on the upcoming Magic Kingdom, and Iron Man 3, --which is being directed by Downey's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang helmer Shane Black. Favreau revealed how, despite having vacated the director's chair on the threequel, he's still helping out in front of and behind the camera.
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Writer-director Shane Black is reportedly in negotiations to direct Iron Man 3, taking over from series helmer Jon Favreau for the threequel, which is already slated for release on May 3, 2013. But hey, no pressure! Two years should be plenty of time for the guy who wrote Lethal Weapon in six weeks. Besides, Black's got plenty of qualifications that should inspire fanboy confidence. Such as:
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