Despite a relatively quiet Cannes reception that offset some early great expectations, my anticipation remains high for Cosmopolis, David Cronenberg's adaptation of the Don DeLillo novel. This new US trailer doesn't hurt, plunking leading man Robert Pattinson into the middle of a global cataclysm that's partly of his making and partly just Welcome to New York - Now Go Crazy.
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I'm not watching these four new clips (and a bonus featurette) from Prometheus, which I can watch in its entirety when it opens in nine days. You are on your own. But while I presume we can probably piece together roughly 64 percent of the film from these and other previously released clips, commercials, teasers and trailers, can anyone really blame Fox for emulating Marvel's Avengers strategy of keeping the glimpses coming all the way to opening day — especially as positive but not gushing reviews trickle out for their R-rated tentpole? If the buzz fits, wear it.
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After a leaked false start not long ago and Tuesday's batch of new photos, the marketing push for Tom Hooper's Les Misérables has strengthened further this morning with a 90-second teaser. It speaks — or rather, it sings — for itself. Take it away, Anne Hathaway!
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I know that it's absolute heresy to so much as whisper the possibility that anything at all might be wrong with The Dark Knight, but a new supercut from the folks who brought us The King's Speech: Just the Stammering goes a long way to spotlight one of the blockbuster's weakest links: Heath Ledger.
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And now, from the brilliant (and perhaps insomniac) mind that brought you that supercut of Kickboxer featuring nothing but the kicking, wind down your week with The King's Speech — featuring nothing but the stuttering. Or as they call it in Oscar-history circles, "156 seconds of infirmity that earned Colin Firth an Academy Award for Best Actor." You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll squirm, etc. Happy Friday!
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The new four-minute preview from The Amazing Spider-Man promises an extended look at "the summer's most anticipated film" — Sony's bracing, ballsy rebuke to The Avengers, Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises. Only you know how truthfully that claim applies to you, but this much is true: There's not very much "new" here.
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![First Position Clip: What's it Take to Be a Boy in Ballet? [Exclusive]](http://movieline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/first_position_grab645-120x67.jpg?w=120&h=120&crop=1)
After an award-winning festival run, the ballet-competition documentary First Position opens today in limited release via IFC Films and Sundance Selects. (It debuts May 15 on VOD.) Director Bess Kargman's film chronicles six young dancers' passionate pursuit of glory at the Youth America Grand Prix, trailing along as they (per the film's synopsis) "prepare for a chance to enter the world of professional ballet, struggling through bloodied feet, near exhaustion and debilitating injuries, all while navigating the drama of adolescence." Think Racing Dreams in pointe shoes, and you're on your way. Meanwhile, click through for an exclusive clip spotlighting another kind of dance-world complication: Being a boy in ballet.
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The ex-Beatle revealed two new music videos over the weekend at his daughter Stella's West Hollywood fashion outpost, directed by none other than McCartney himself. Apparently it was easy! Read on for his working methods and the results.
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It took a little while to get out, but this young man's lightning-round riff on all 75 Best Supporting Actress Oscar-winners is the textbook definition of better late than never. Guess who: "I'm only in this movie for four minutes and you gave me an Oscar!"
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According to the experts at CVG, the Kinect gaming system has added a few "play-throughs" that allow users to dance along to numbers featuring Star Wars characters. It gets better (worse?): The backing tracks have been adapted from hit songs, resulting in such borderline Weird Al-style parodies as "I'm Han Solo" and "Hologram Girl." Play along, weep, etc. after the jump.
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Another celebrity news revelation, another opportunity for the crack team at NMA to bring the story to life via crudely rendered computer animation. Thus their latest: The background on how Ryan Gosling — patron saint of NYC street-fighters and journalists wandering in front of taxis — was carved from stone to take his place among the deified cultural elite. He even saves baby animals! Who knew?
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Marvel and Disney have officially released a clip from The Avengers, with Scarlett Johansson kicking ass in a cocktail dress while bound to a chair. I would go on, but you've seen it all before: It is basically the same fight scene Jason Statham staged last year in Killer Elite, except with boobs. Click through to view both.
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The people behind the Katy Perry phenomenon would really, really, really appreciate it if you took her more seriously... in 3-D, of course.
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Some guy who should probably be running the space program instead focused his efforts on producing a time-lapse video of the goings-on in Rear Window, as seen from the eponymous vantage point in Jimmy Stewart's apartment. I don't really have any words for this beyond that. Just stop what you're doing and have a look.
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The thing I love about the ramped-up new Rock of Ages trailer is how unapologetically it states what this movie is: A bombastic, cheeky, kitschy, bright-eyed and utterly slick tribute to the decadence of '80s rock culture, based on the even slicker Broadway hit of the same name. Which of course you already know — but now, with Tom Cruise's brief singing showcase and pretty much everyone else warbling adapted pop show tunes of their own, Warner Bros. and New Line's cards are on the table. There can be no ambiguity: You are either in or you are out. In this era of equivocation and overlapping quadrants and being everything to everyone, it's pretty ballsy when you think about it.
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