“Oops! … I Did It Again” isn’t one of two Britney Spears hits performed onscreen in Spring Breakers, but that song’s self-aware spirit of coy misbehavior is stamped all over Harmony Korine’s most mainstream provocation to date. Following four college girls’ descent from Florida spring-break debauchery to the even more vertiginous lows of thug life, this attractively fizzy pic may be a shock to the system for fans of teen queens Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens, but remains pretty toothless titillation by its writer-helmer’s standards. Unfamiliar multiplex exposure awaits the aging enfant terrible, though the youthful target audience may seek it out on newer media. more »

The Spring Breakers trailer has FINALLY arrived, and it's even more packed with girls and guns and bikinis and James Franco's grimy braided hot mess than I'd ever dreamed. Also, the words "Spring Break" are spoken so many times in these two minutes of mayhem (I count 11 feverish utterances) that it's seeping into my subconscious. Watch and whet your whistle for the March 22 opener after the jump and start working on your Franco-as-Alien Halloween costumes now.
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Forget all those "most anticipated movies of 2013" lists — there's only one major motion picture event I can't wait to get my mind blown by, and that's Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers. Tween idols on a crime spree, James Franco channeling Riff Raff, the ATL Twins, and love for the pop powerhouse that was '00s-era Britney Spears... who can resist? Are we not human beings? Today Vulture's got the U.S. poster debut to tease the Spring Breakers marketing wave that's coming in the next few months, which will have me floating in a fluorescent fever of anticipation until March.
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Prancing around in a fluorescent bikini while going on a partying and crime-fueled rampage through the so-called "red neck riviera" — that could be the one sentence log-line for Toronto's Spring Breakers, which arrived in North America after its first premiere last week in Venice. Fascination with former Disney star Selena Gomez's romp through the new film in a not-quite-so-squeaky-clean role continued on this side of the pond but Gomez, director Harmony Korine and fellow stars James Franco, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine provided a few racy laughs of their own in Canada's biggest city Friday. Harmony Korine even joked that a few rugged gentlemen on spring break were taken by Gomez's presence while they shot the feature. "All these thick-necked jock dudes were rubbing up against Selena," he said.
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I hope the action in Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers picks up after this scene. The film, which will premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September, is about four college girls — played by Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Rachel Korine and Ashley Benson — who get mixed up with an arms and drug dealer, played by a Kevin Federlinesque James Franco, after they rob a restaurant to fund their spring break vacation and land in jail.
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James Franco, Selena Gomez, and Harmony Korine are down in Florida filming Spring Breakers, a movie about four coeds (including Disney tween queen Gomez) indebted to a rapping dealer named Alien (Franco) after they rob a bank to finance their spring break trip and he bails them out. All of this sounded innocent enough, at least as much as a Korine film can seem, until images of Franco emerged from the set. Some called his look Kevin Federline-esque; rapper Riff Raff stepped forth to actually claim, proudly, that Franco's cornrowed, blinged-out drug dealer persona was based on him. In any case, get a look at your 2011 Oscar nominee James Franco as... I don't even know what to call this. Movieliners, caption away!
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James Franco, Selena Gomez, and Harmony Korine are down in Florida filming Spring Breakers, a movie about four coeds (including Disney tween queen Gomez) indebted to a rapping dealer named Alien (Franco) after they rob a bank to finance their spring break trip and he bails them out. All of this sounded innocent enough, at least as much as a Korine film can seem, until images of Franco emerged from the set. Some called his look Kevin Federline-esque; rapper Riff Raff stepped forth to actually claim, proudly, that Franco's cornrowed, blinged-out drug dealer persona was based on him. In any case, get a look at your 2011 Oscar nominee James Franco as... I don't even know what to call this. Movieliners, caption away!
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If it takes you a beat to remember the movie to which Journey 2 is a follow-up, that may not just be because the makers have opted for a trimmer title than, say, the marquee-busting, geographically confusing Journey to the Center of the Earth: The Mysterious Island.
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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson joking about the Titanic. Luiz Guzman flying a helicopter while wearing a mini guitar. Future Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens riding a giant flying bumblebee. Michael Caine. If you chose "Michael Caine" as the thing that does not make sense in the trailer for Brad Peyton's 3-D Journey to the Center of the Earth sequel, you would be correct. Ahead though, to over-sized vomiting insects, over-serious line readings and Oscar winner Michael Caine!
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Clicking and unclicking his pen with nervous energy as he spoke, director Zack Snyder took Movieline back to the first smattering of ideas that ran through his brain when the concept for the girl-power action fantasy Sucker Punch first took root: Lobotomies. Planet of the Apes. Loss of self. The magic of music. And perhaps the most important takeaway of all from Friday's PG-13, pop culture-mashing fever dream: the idea that, simmering beneath the film's fantastical burlesque numbers and bloodthirsty rampages is a subversive desire to turn the tables on the very moviegoers who least expect it.
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How do you even begin to wrap your head around Zack Snyder's latest epic, Sucker Punch? The anachronistic pop fantasy mash-up follows '60s-era insane asylum inmate Babydoll (Emily Browning) who plots escape with four fellow prisoners (Abbie Cornish as Sweet Pea, Jena Malone as Rocket, Vanessa Hudgens as Blondie, and Jamie Chung as Amber) by going into a dream world within another dream world to fight dragons, zombie Nazis, and evil nightclub pimps. And as Snyder and Co. revealed while making the press rounds, what hits theaters this Friday is only one version of what Sucker Punch ever was, is, and still could be whenever Snyder's unveils his full Director's Cut.
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