The parody Twitter account that bore Amour director Michael Haneke's name actually got a few things right about the Austrian director. On Thursday, Benjamin Lee, the Shortlist.com Deputy Editor who, earlier this week, revealed himself to be the prankster behind the memorably loopy @Michael_Haneke parody Twitter feed, wrote about learning that the real Haneke is more of a "goofball" than he expected. And a cat lover, too. more »

There's a new Pope in town, and he has chosen a name I rather like. Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina is the first Pope Francis in the history of the papacy. He's also the inspiration for a trending Twitter hashtag: #ReplaceMovieTitlesWithPope Tweets. more »

Amour director Michael Haneke is aware of the parody Twitter account that bears his name, and, as you might expect from a filmmaker who's made an incredibly intense, Oscar-nominated film about love, life and death, he's not too worked up about it. more »

Technically, Heaven's Gate/The Deer Hunter director Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) isn't yet verified on Twitter, but we'll allow the man the benefit of the doubt: He's barely been Tweeting for 24 hours and already his account is a must-read.
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Clint Eastwood made Twitter's Day — or at least its night. The veteran actor and filmmaker's bizarre, aimless speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Thursday night — to a chair that purportedly contained an invisible President Obama — brought out plenty of celebrity tweeters on the social media site. more »

Sorry to follow up news of The Avengers' record-breaking box office with just another ho-hum bit of Marvel Studios supremacy, but leave it to Edgar Wright to commit a little thunder thievery with his tweet reminding us not to forget about his long, long gestating Marvel adaptation Ant-Man.
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After scoring a book deal, selling several TV pilots, and making her name 140 characters at a time on Twitter, microblogging mom and Canadian wit Kelly Oxford has sold her first screenplay to Hollywood. Warner Bros. acquired her spec Son of a Bitch for a reported low- to mid-six figures; the story concerns a pothead party girl who tries to keep her image intact despite discovering she's pregnant. The ringing sound you just heard is Anna Faris's agent's phone. [Deadline]
![Twitter Loves The Avengers! [UPDATED: Follow the Press Conference with @Movieline!]](http://movieline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/avengers_twitter645__120412152717-120x65.jpg?w=120&h=120&crop=1)
The Avengers premiered last night in Los Angeles, where luminaries, cognoscenti and unalloyed geeks took in the Marvel megaspectacle as one, big nerdy family. Afterward, with tweets permitted by Disney reps (and full reviews embargoed until the first week of May), many of those viewers took to Twitter to exhort director Joss Whedon, the nonstop action, the humor, the Hulk, and basically anything that wasn't the "worthless" 3-D. Read on for a brief round-up. [UPDATE 2:10 p.m. PDT: And starting now you can follow Jen Yamato's Avengers press conference livetweet over at @Movieline!]
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Here's a photo worth a thousand words, or at least four: Meeting with President Obama in February in the Oval Office, Star Trek alum Nichelle Nichols flashed the iconic Vulcan salute alongside the Commander in Chief for the best White House photo op since Elvis and Nixon shook hands in 1970. Live long and prosper!
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So... much... beard! One of your best first non-set spy pic looks at Tom Hooper's star-studded Les Miserables movie was Tweeted last night by star Hugh Jackman, who debuted his Jean Valjean "convict look" days into filming. After the jump, behold the dirty-faced, hirsute handsomeness on display as Jackman channels Victor Hugo's noble convict.
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Because it's always good to remember that when you're judging famous people on Twitter, they sometimes read it (and weep), Jimmy Kimmel corralled a gaggle of comedians and comic actors to read some of the meanest Tweet-critiques they've received for the camera. I think we can all take a few universal lessons from this video: Namely, that celebrities like Jason Bateman, Presidential candidate Roseanne, and Andy Dick really are like the rest of us little Tweeters -- well okay, maybe not Andy Dick. Also: Will Ferrell reads his @ messages while on the can, too! If that can't bring us together as a Tweeple, what will?
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While Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer and director Gore Verbinski are working to turn Disney's rudderless blockbuster ship around with The Lone Ranger, Hollywood megaproducer and Twitter mainstay Jerry Bruckheimer has been busy dropping clues about and glimpses at the the making of the film from behind the scenes. If you are even the least bit interested in how this one's coming together, you could do worse than keep an eye on Bruckheimer's tweets.
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Their five-time Oscar winner The Artist may have just experienced its most lucrative weekend at the box office to date, but newly installed Legionnaire of Honor Harvey Weinstein and his Weinstein Co. minions remain firmly focused today on the Great Bully Ratings Non-troversy of 2012. How do we know? To Twitter, where #BullyMovie is this morning's highest-ranking (promoted, ahem) trending topic.
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The Academy Awards telecast stopped being a one-screen experience years ago. An Oscar viewing party is all well and good, but with a computer or phone nearby, a virtual theater full of people will enhance the experience from the first red-carpet arrivals to the music playing over the Best Picture winner’s speech. Yes, your friends are witty and can also fetch you a beer, but the best jokes about the winners, losers and everything in between are on Twitter. Some professionals make watching the Oscars simply worth the hours (and hours) spent. Doug Benson is one of them.
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Maybe you can't quite ask Woody Harrelson anything, but at least he has a forthcoming contemporary in Russell Crowe. The Oscar-winner recently leveled with fans on Twitter, acknowledging his and Liam Neeson's interest in Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic Noah while putting a swift, certain and severe end to speculation that he may participate in a RoboCop.
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