If you simply must Hoover up any new footage of Star Trek Into Darkness footage that's out there, then have a look at this Japanese trailer. There are a few new morsels to be found in the footage, including a shot of Spock in the volcano looking perilously close to becoming one with the magma churning around him. more »

The marketing teams for Star Trek Into Darkness and Man of Steel have been killing it in the trailer department, and their latest efforts are no exception. In fact the trailers that each campaign put out for their respective movies on Monday are so strong that I want to put it to Movieline's readers to decide which is the most powerful statement. more »

When the Star Trek Into Darkness marketing campaign began in earnest late last year with a much-discussed teaser trailer, the debate was all about the villain: Benedict Cumberbatch's icy voiceover and acrobatic evildoing led to lots of theorizing that his mysterious character was Khan, Robert April and other Star Trek canon creeps. Four months later, with the release of the J.J. Abrams-directed film a little over a month away, a TV clip that debuted on Sunday continued to shift the spotlight from bad guy to good: Captain James T. Kirk. more »

A handful of new Star Trek Into Darkness photos have hit the web, and they're nothing to write home about, but the image of space-suited Spock (Zachary Quinto) did catch my attention. Judging from the steam rising up off the Vulcan's protective gear, I'm guessing that this image could serve as an "After" shot to the "Before" image below of Spock hanging out in what's been reported as a volcano. (Or is that vulcan-o? Ba-dum-bump!) more »

I don't know if J.J. Abrams did this intentionally, but, if he did, it's a real Jedi Master move. I just read the interview that the filmmaker gave to Empire magazine in the U.K. in conjunction with the upcoming release of Star Trek Into Darkness, and the way he answered the inevitable Star Wars question was so loopy and inscrutable that I have to wonder if that's his strategy for minimizing — in the nicest way possible —Episode VII talk during the STID promotional push. more »

Whether Benedict Cumberbatch is Robert April, Khan or some other canon character entirely, he's going to be awesomely evil judging from this new international Star Trek Into Darkness trailer. He's also going to speak in a measured and lordly British accent that will surely have him competing with Ben Kingsley's the Mandarin for Affected Villain Voice of 2013. more »

Paramount has released two new Star Trek Into Darkness photos that don't reveal anything about the plot or the true identity of Benedict Cumberbatch's character, but they do underscore the tone that previous stills have established. In other words, set your phasers for intensity! more »

Come off the ledge, Trekkies! I know it's been a bad few days what with J.J. Abrams trading in your future sequel pleasure for a shot at the Star Wars franchise, but he has not forsaken you. To the contrary, he wants you to know, via this eye-catching featurette that the action and the scale of Star Trek Into Darkness "is light years beyond what we did in the first movie," and, if that ain't enough, sparks are still flying between Spock and Uhura. more »

The Super Bowl's notoriously pricey ad spots already cost a chunk of change well into the seven figures last year and it's set to head well northward for 30 seconds of airtime this Sunday. But that has not scared away movie studios from snapping up commercial time on Super Bowl XLVII.
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J.J. Abrams appears to have cornered the universe. Both The Wrap and The Hollywood Reporter are reporting that the filmmaker behind the rebooted Star Trek franchise is close to sealing a deal to direct Disney's Star Wars Episode 7, which means he will boldly go to a galaxy far far away very shortly. more »

The release of the first issue of a three-part prequel comic to Star Trek Into Darkness has lent some credence to the theory that the true villain of JJ Abram's upcoming movie is not Khan or Gary Mitchell, but rather Robert April, the very first captain of the Starship Enterprise. more »

Combine a kind heart and the power of social networking and sometimes, the proverbial mountain will go to Muhammad. That was the case recently when director J.J. Abrams granted a dying cancer patient the chance to see Star Trek Into Darkness months before the feature is set to head into theaters.
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It's impressive how much J.J. Abrams and the folks at Bad Robot manage to pack into the new teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness without revealing, well, the actual plot of the summer 2013 sequel. Space action! Benedict Cumberbatch! That darned hands-on-glass scene that just screams "I have been and always shall be your friend!" Watch the action-packed teaser below and let's get to piecing together the puzzle.
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Pulling back the curtain on Star Trek Into Darkness Monday at Bad Robot HQ, director J. J. Abrams and his Trek crew of cast and collaborators were cautious not to reveal too much information as they previewed the May 2013 blockbuster. Still, some of the most intriguing details thus far in the great “What Is J.J. Abrams Hiding From Us?” Trek sequel mystery emerged: Who is Benedict Cumberbatch playing? How do a certain race of staple Trek baddies figure into the plot? And, perhaps most significant: What does Alice Eve’s character, revealed to be Carol Marcus – a character very familiar to fans, from a very specific story in Trek canon – mean for Star Trek Into Darkness?
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Introducing a sneak peek at the first nine minutes of Star Trek Into Darkness in a special IMAX 3-D presentation for press Sunday night, director J.J. Abrams warned of the "doom and gloom" throughout his May 2013 sequel. "There’s a lot of intensity in this, and a little bit of gloom," he admitted, "but it’s also fun."
In true Abrams fashion, that's about all he said before he exited the theater, taking the truth about who the heck Benedict Cumberbatch is playing in Star Trek 2 with him. (The first nine minutes will debut in theaters on December 14, attached to select IMAX screenings of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Read on for details, speculation, guesstimates, and wild theorizing about what's in store in Star Trek 2 based on the tease.)
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