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'Star Trek Into Darkness' TV Clip: Kirk Takes Center Stage

'Star Trek Into Darkness' TV Clip: Kirk Takes Center Stage

When the Star Trek Into Darkness marketing campaign began in earnest late last year with a much-discussed teaser trailer, the debate was all about the villain:  Benedict Cumberbatch's icy voiceover and acrobatic evildoing led to lots of theorizing that his mysterious character was Khan, Robert April and other Star Trek canon creeps. Four months later, with the release of the J.J. Abrams-directed film a little over a month away, a TV clip that debuted on Sunday continued to shift the spotlight from bad guy to good: Captain James T. Kirk.  more »

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Jedi Marketing Trick: Is J.J. Abrams Deflecting 'Star Wars' Questions With Inscrutable Answers?

Jedi Marketing Trick: Is J.J. Abrams Deflecting 'Star Wars' Questions With Inscrutable Answers?

I don't know if J.J. Abrams did this intentionally, but, if he did, it's a real Jedi Master move.  I just read the interview that the filmmaker gave to Empire magazine in the U.K. in conjunction with the upcoming release of Star Trek Into Darkness, and the way he answered the inevitable Star Wars question was so loopy and inscrutable that I have to wonder if that's his strategy for minimizing — in the nicest way possible —Episode VII talk during the STID promotional push. more »

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WATCH: J.J. Abrams Talks 'Portal' & 'Half-Life' With Valve President Gabe Newell

WATCH: J.J. Abrams Talks 'Portal' & 'Half-Life' With Valve President Gabe Newell

If you're a gamer or a J.J. Abrams fan, then you already know that, in addition to the rebooting the Star Wars franchise, his Bad Robot  production studio has teamed up with video game developer Valve to explore movies and games, including adaptations of the latter company's popular Half-Life and Portal titles. The two men revealed they are teaming up at the end of their keynote presentation at the Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain (D.I.C.E.) summit in Las Vegas on Feb. 6. Their conversation is presented in its entirety after the jump and it's worth watching, not so much because of the announcement, which is vague, but because the discussion is a fascinating master class on the differences between storytelling in movies and video games. more »

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WATCH: Spock And Uhura Steal A Kiss In Action-Packed 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Video

WATCH: Spock And Uhura Steal A Kiss In Action-Packed 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Video

Come off the ledge, Trekkies!  I know it's been a bad few days what with J.J. Abrams trading in your future sequel pleasure for a shot at the Star Wars franchise, but he has not forsaken you.  To the contrary, he wants you to know, via this eye-catching featurette that the action and the scale of Star Trek Into Darkness "is light years beyond what we did in the first movie," and, if that ain't enough, sparks are still flying between Spock and Uhura. more »

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A Long, Long Time Ago, When 'Star Wars' Met 'Super 8'

A Long, Long Time Ago, When 'Star Wars' Met 'Super 8'

Like those vintage 1980s Reese's Peanut Butter cup ads built around the "Two great tastes that taste great together," tag line, this photo tweeted by J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot production company is a cool visual mash-up of the filmmaker's past and future work.  No pressure, Mr. Abrams! more »

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J.J. Abrams, Master Of The Universe: Nears Deal To Direct 'Star Wars Episode 7'

J.J. Abrams, Master Of The Universe:  Nears Deal To Direct 'Star Wars Episode 7'

J.J. Abrams appears to have cornered the universe.  Both The Wrap and The Hollywood Reporter are reporting that the filmmaker behind the rebooted Star Trek franchise is close to sealing a deal to direct Disney's Star Wars Episode 7, which means he will boldly go to a galaxy far far away very shortly.  more »

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J.J. Abrams Gives Fan With Cancer A Way Early Sneak Of 'Star Trek Into Darkness'

J.J. Abrams Gives Fan With Cancer A Way Early Sneak Of 'Star Trek Into Darkness'

Combine a kind heart and the power of social networking and sometimes, the proverbial mountain will go to Muhammad. That was the case recently when director J.J. Abrams granted a dying cancer patient the chance to see Star Trek Into Darkness months before the feature is set to head into theaters.
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J.J. Abrams Not Headed For 'Star Wars'

J.J. Abrams Not Headed For 'Star Wars'

While stars such as Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and perhaps even Harrison Ford have indicated they may make a return to Disney's Star Wars, the narrow pool of once possible directors has narrowed more.
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