A new trailer for Sofia Coppola's pulled-from-the-headlines film, The Bling Ring, is out, and there's a lot to pick over. For one thing, Emma Watson is riveting as Nicki, one of the spoiled, cynical and morally adrift Los Angeles teens who made news robbing celebrities' homes. As J.J. Hunsecker from Sweet Smell of Success would say, she's a cookie full of arsenic. more »

With three laugh-out-loud trailers in circulation, This Is The End is looking like the comedy of the summer. At the very least, it's going to make the phrase "titty fucking" extremely popular. And if it doesn't live up to the hype? We'll always have this latest red band clip, which is such a laugh riot that I've taken the opportunity to list the 20 funniest moments, in ascending order. more »

Perhaps she's taking a cue from her Harry Potter co-star Daniel Radcliffe, but Emma Watson has taken a shine for musical theater after performing some numbers from The Rocky Horror Picture Show in her latest film, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
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Hermione who? Emma Watson has cast off her Hogwarts uniform and good girl image to play the broken Sam in Stephen Chbosky's adaptation of his own novel, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Last night The Cinema Society, along with Lancome and Nylon, hosted a special screening of the teen flick at the hip Crosby Street Hotel in Soho - just the kind of event the quirky characters in the film would have loved to attend!
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Elizabeth Olsen has given her two cents and two thumbs up to Fifty Shades of Grey, the best-selling erotic drama by E.L. James that has been the subject of a flurry of Twitter and blog posts over the summer over who will (or should) be cast in the lead roles. But the Martha Marcy May Marlene star who is currently filming Very Good Girls and has a couple of other projects in post-production said that the novel is "kind of great" for helping its female base to embrace fantasies and to openly discuss their sexuality.
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Also in Monday afternoon's round-up of news briefs, the proposed Magic Mike musical appears to move forward with Soderbergh's involvement; Emma Watson for Fifty Shades of Greay?; Oscar-winner Alex Gibney hires two key people at his production outfit and Jason Alexander goes anti-gun in Tweet.
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower stars Three Musketeers cutie Logan Lerman as introverted-but-adorbs high school freshman Charlie (Lerman), who enters teen society searching for like-minded "misfits" and finds Emma Watson and Ezra Miller (last seen making a very different impression on his classmates in We Need to Talk About Kevin). Is Charlie going to go all Angela Chase, narrating the brave new world of busting weird dance moves at Homecoming and standing up to bullies and shouting ironically at cheerleaders?
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Here is the first image from Sofia Coppola's forthcoming The Bling Ring, which features Emma Watson leading a cabal of young thieves to the rich and famous. Clearly she means business! Are those Lindsay's Lohan's shades? Megan Fox's shoes? Paris Hilton's Frappuccino?
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LAPD detective Brett Goodkin helped bring down the infamous "Bling Ring" of young thieves who lifted jewels and other valuables from the homes of the Hollywood elite (and Paris Hilton). That made him an ideal consultant for Sofia Coppola's dramatization of the affair, currently underway with Emma Watson (pictured on set) in the leading role. Well, sort of ideal, except for one huge conflict of interest.
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Since we've all watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo like good little people-who-are-trying-to-figure-out-why-the-hell-it's-is-such-a-phenomenon-because-even-my-parents-care-about-it-now, it's the perfect time to reflect on what would've happened if David Fincher ditched Rooney Mara and opted for another ingenue to play Lisbeth Salander. Carey Mulligan? Ellen Page? Anne Hathaway? If I had the MS Paint prowess, I'd whip up renderings of Barbara Stanwyck, Faye Dunaway, and 94-year-old Joan Fontaine in the nose studs and combat boots, but I'll leave that to your imagination. After the jump, check out a bunch of very accurate, wholly hypothetical Lisbeth portraits.
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This weekend, most of the Harry Potter cast and filmmakers flew down to Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter to fête the home release of Deathly Hallows -- Part 2, the final installment in the film series based on J.K. Rowling's beloved books. At a Potter-themed party in Hogsmeade Village Saturday night -- complete with a performance by the frog choir, endless rounds of butter beer served by wizards and fireworks -- franchise star Rupert Grint took a moment to play a round of 'My Favorite Scene' with Movieline.
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Here's a treat for all of you out there who squealed in your seats when Ron and Hermione engaged in their passionate first kiss in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2. After the jump, watch as director David Yates explains how adorably nervous Emma Watson and Rupert Grint were when their big smooching scene came up, then behold, the sight of two young actors -- "they're like brother and sister," says Yates -- jumping into action, face-first.
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Yes, I know. You Harry Potterites well know what Horcruxes are -- the magical vessels that can house a fragment of a wizard or witch's soul -- but the rest of us Muggles might need a little refresher going into July's franchise-ender Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. Luckily, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort himself!) and others have put together a handy featurette packed with footage to explain.
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