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12 Dead, 50 Wounded at Midnight Screening of The Dark Knight Rises [UPDATED]

12 Dead, 50 Wounded at Midnight Screening of The Dark Knight Rises [UPDATED]

At least one gunman opened fire at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises early Friday morning in Aurora, Colorado, injuring as many as twenty people. An early report from local radio station 850 KOA cites witness reports that a shooter, possibly wearing a mask, opened fire and set off tear gas during a shoot-out scene in the film. Various reports cite at least ten 12 people dead, although details are still emerging with at least one suspect in custody. [UPDATE: 50 others have been wounded in the attack.]
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The Dark Knight Rises Final Trailer: What Have We Learned?

The Dark Knight Rises

The final trailer for Christopher Nolan's July Bat-sequel The Dark Knight Rises is now available for your viewing pleasure (see it in theaters attached to The Avengers this Friday), and something rose, all right: My nerd boner. Yours will too when you watch Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway & Co. in the eerily somber third trailer, then join me in running down all the juicy sights and not-so-muffled sounds and breathtaking moments glimpsed within.
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The Dark Knight Rises Viral Campaign Harnesses the Power of Graffiti

The Dark Knight Rises viral Wanted

With The Dark Knight Rises release fast approaching, Warner Bros. has launched their latest bit of buzz-driving viral marketing by teasing a brand-new trailer for the July release. But in order to see that trailer, Bat-fans must first "help" the Gotham City Police Department "find" Batman by tracking hundreds of pieces of Bat-graffiti strategically placed around the world; for each bit of graffiti located and tagged via social media, Warner Bros. will unveil the new trailer one frame at a time. Graffiti: it's not just for Oscar-nominees anymore!
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