Brava to the dewy-cheeked Kristen Stewart, who opened Snow White and the Huntsman, the weekend's number one movie, by swinging a sword and championing girl power without having to kiss a single vampire! (Those two hunky human suitors and the riveting fabulosity that was Charlize Theron didn't hurt either.) Nice to see girls ruling while boys drooled over the box office -- well, their male-driven movies (Men in Black 3, Avengers, Battleship), anyway. Tell us what you saw this weekend as we go to the receipts!
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He's painted cinematic landscapes of psychosexual kink (The Cell), childhood fantasy (The Fall), and ancient Greek 3-D abs (Immortals), but in this week's Mirror Mirror director Tarsem takes a turn into uncharted territory: The family-friendly fairytale. Turning his attentions to the story of Snow White, Tarsem creates another visually rich fantasyland of imagination -- and gives the fabled princess a post-modern streak to boot -- with the help of the late Oscar-winning costume designer and longtime collaborator Eiko Ishioka (Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark), who passed away in January at the age of 73. In an exclusive chat, Tarsem takes Movieline through his work with Ishioka and the whimsical, inventive, and utterly imaginative designs of Mirror Mirror that comprise their final collaboration on film.
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Here's what I've gathered from the new Snow White and the Huntsman trailer: Charlize Theron's Evil Queen is pissed, Kristen Stewart's Snow White is innocent, and the color saturation of this fairytale world looks like a Crayola-dappled Middle Earth. Pretty spectacular.
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Some directors clearly have no filter and suffer for it; others choose to live altogether filter-less, playing the game their own way, on their own terms. Which is why earlier this year Movieline anointed Tarsem Singh (The Cell, The Fall) the honey badger of Hollywood; an indie film talent recently gone mainstream -- who wore a homemade shirt proclaiming "I've been media trained" at WonderCon -- Tarsem's infamously cheeky public persona might threaten to overtake his work if only his films, just three features to date counting this week's Immortals, weren't so distinctive and gorgeous.
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Set photos of an armored Kristen Stewart and the star's own description of Snow White and the Huntsman's bloody edge had me thinking this could be the more transgressive of the two Snow White projects in the works (the other being Tarsem's newly titled Mirror, Mirror, starring Lily Collins and Armie Hammer). The first official SWATH banner art, however, suggests something a bit more kid-friendly, even Alice in Wonderland-esque. Or am I reading too much into the fantastical, Photoshopped flora and fauna swirling around Stewart, Chris Hemsworth, and the disembodied head of evil queen Charlize Theron?
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"Basically, I'm fighting evil -- I'm fighting the most evil motherf--kers -- and it's fine that they're being killed," Kristen Stewart told Box Office Magazine of her currently-filming Snow White and the Huntsman. "It's anguish. It's literally f--king anguish. She takes absolutely no pleasure in ever hurting anything. I'm exhausted right now and I was thinking, 'The fight stuff is coming up, maybe that won't be so bad.' And then I realized that they're probably going to be my most emotional scenes because I'm killing people and I'm Snow White. It's a really f--king cool way to approach a movie where so many people die." Score another badass point in favor of SWATH. Sorry, other Snow White movie. [Box Office Magazine]
Stand back! Brace yourself! Nothing can prepare you for the rocking magnitude of the blast that is Movieline's Week in Review. Read on for all of it, but careful! Don't look directly into the light, and consider hiding the children. And in any case be stay to drop by this weekend for box-office updates and other fiery dispatches from the one and only Louis Virtel. Have a good one!
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