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From Von Trier to the Fassboner, the Top 9 OMG Movie Moments of 2011

With 2011 drawing to a close, your faithful Movieline editors are taking a look back at the year that was, starting with a catalog of the 9 biggest OMG moments in movies and moviedom. Celebrate the batshit-insane happenings, most shocking screen scenes, death-defying stunts, crazier-than-fiction episodes, and nuclear-level meltdowns of the year... and add your own favorites to the pile. Ah, memories!

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It's Almost Here: Movieline's Walk of Shame Hits NYC on Saturday

You've seen the locations. You've (hopefully) seen the movie. And now, New Yorkers, you are invited to live out at least parts of Michael Fassbender's acclaimed Manhattan odyssey on Saturday during Movieline's Walk of Shame. [UPDATE: We're livetweeting along the way! Read on for details...]

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Twit Wit: The Best 5 Tweets About Movies This Weekend

Twit Wit: The Best 5 Tweets About Movies This Weekend

It was an underwhelming weekend at the box office, but that didn't stop Twitter from reacting to the fancy-free stylings of Footloose, the terror of The Thing and even the already-forgotten The Big Year. We've racked up the best five tweets about movies this weekend -- and the most dubious telegrams comes from one of the film's own stars.

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Weekend Receipts: Twilight Takes Top Slot for Third Week in a Row

Breaking Dawn sparkled to the top slot yet again on the quietest weekend of the season, but just take a gander at the healthy size of Shame's art house opening! Meanwhile, the latest offerings from Martin Scorsese and Alexander Payne enjoyed a boost. But I've got to ask: What happened to the Muppets' mojo?

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Talkback: What Is the Greatest Penis Moment in Movie History?

Talkback: What Is the Greatest Penis Moment in Movie History?

Since our friends at Next Movie totally went there, why not bat this one around Movieline HQ? It's Friday! Live a little. In honor of Michael Fassbender's infamous display of total nakedness in this week's Shame -- emotional and physical, to be fair -- Next Movie ran down the nine greatest "penis moments" in the movies. Yes, Ewan McGregor. You made the list.

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Awards || ||

Fox Searchlight Oscar-Fetes Win Win, Shame, Descendants, and More

Fox Searchlight Oscar-Fetes Win Win, Shame, Descendants, and More

Spirits were bright Wednesday night in West Hollywood when Fox Searchlight celebrated the season with their annual holiday party -- really, just an excuse to fete Oscar candidates Win Win, Tree of Life, Shame, Martha Marcy May Marlene, and The Descendants like debs at a coming out ball. Movieline caught up with Fox Searchlight's hopefuls at the early awards-season shindig.

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Videos || ||

Shame Redband Trailer: Inside Fassbender's Fassboner

To call the newly unveiled, NSFW redband trailer for Shame hot is an understatement, since it quickens the pulse in a delicious way that leads to much more than just sheer titillation. Watch as poor sex-addicted Michael Fassbender is wracked with torment as he rides the NYC subway, silently eye-fucking a gorgeous stranger on the train. However often they say men think about sex in a given day, this guy does multiplied by a thousand... and it's wearing on his weary, helpless soul.

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Festival Coverage || ||

AFI Fest Unveils Stellar Line-Up; Free Tickets Available October 27

AFI Fest Unveils Stellar Line-Up; Free Tickets Available October 27

Kudos to AFI Fest for offering three important qualities next month, when the annual Los Angeles film festival runs November 3-10. For starters, in addition to fest opener J. Edgar, they're programming Shame, one of my fall awards season must-sees and the potentially life-changing opportunity to see Michael Fassbender bare it all. (I mean emotionally, of course. Ahem.). Secondly, it's held right here in Los Angeles -- no pesky traveling to distant, exotic, champagne-sipping lands like France and Italy! Because that must suck. But most importantly, the entire AFI Fest is free. Complimentary. Gratis. Hit the jump to see the recently-announced line-up of must see films you'll want to snag a ticket to.

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The 2-Minute Verdict || ||

Shame Trailer: Michael Fassbender Battles Sex Addiction For an Oscar

For the past few weeks, Movieline's own S.T. VanAirsdale has been listing Michael Fassbender as one of the top five front runners for next year's Best Actor Oscar for his work in Steve McQueen's* upcoming erotic drama Shame. Finally, a trailer for the acclaimed film has surfaced, giving evidence again for why Fassbender -- who played X-Men: First Class's Magneto -- is so worthy of your crushes, why he ran away with the Best Actor Award at this year's Venice Film Festival and why all of those early rave reviews for Shame were warranted.

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Awards || ||

Oscar Index: Extremely Artist and Incredibly Horse

Oscar Index: Extremely Artist and Incredibly Horse

It's week three of the 2011-12 Oscar Index, and the latest measurements, readings and conclusions are in from Movieline's Institute for the Advanced Study of Kudos Forensics. And aside from a few startling exceptions, they don't look that different than the ones disseminated here last week. But make no mistake: Like it or not, stuff is happening! Read on for the latest developments.

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Fox Searchlight Will Release Fassbender-Mulligan Pic Shame This December

Well, lookie who just officially entered the Oscar race! Fox Searchlight excitedly Tweeted today that they'll release filmmaker Steve McQueen's hot festival pickup Shame on December 2, 2011. That means two things: A) Rejigger those early Oscar charts to allow for stars Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, and B) get ready for some erotic, angsty December sexytime. Just in time for the holidays! [@FoxSearchlight]