The one-sheet for Battleship has proven intriguing fodder for at least a couple clever poster manipulators out there: First there was this art-house-inspired bit of genius, and today brings an assortment of other work for movies based on popular games — themselves all standing in the alien nemesis in Battleship, of course. You've really got to just see them.
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It’s really easy to be cynical about horror movie posters. Most of them are garish, Photoshop nightmares unworthy of a second look. But we really owe it to ourselves to bask in the sublime surrealism of the one-sheet for The Possession. A poster like this one, for a low-budget horror film with a decent pedigree (Sam Raimi is among the producers) that will play as late-summer counterprogramming in multiplexes around the country, comes around, oh, never.
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It's been nearly two and a half years since word first came of Kevin Spacey heading off to China, where the Oscar winner and noted cell-phone critic would become the first major star to lead a fully Chinese-funded production. That production, Inseparable, finally has a teaser on the Web, and it's... interesting.
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I never thought I'd say this after such dubious product partnerships and horrid early reviews, but: I think I've found some marketing that might actually make me want to see Battleship! It's not from Universal or Hasbro, alas, but it's not too late for either party to maybe pick it up for the last push ahead of May 18.
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I love the first teaser posters for Django Unchained — just vague enough to stir the imagination and just explicit enough to sing the film's epic, violent intentions in a way everyone can hear them. Very retro, very minimal, very... Quentin.
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Sony debuted the first poster for Rian Johnson's Looper, which feels like its been in the works for something close to ever but nevertheless has nearly six months remaining before it comes to theaters on Sept. 28. In the meantime, here are its stars doing their best playing-card imitation. Jack of hearts? King of clubs? Enh, forget it.
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Neither the ladies nor the guys have emerged from the What to Expect When You're Expecting marketing miasma unscathed, but at least now we can get all of our ensemble humiliation out of the way in one convenient new one-sheet.
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Movieline is pleased to present the first installment of One-Sheet Wonder, a new column on the best, worst, weirdest and other milestones of contemporary movie-poster art. — Ed.
We’re a little more than two months away from the debut of the Cannes Film Festival opener Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson’s first live-action film in five years, and the promo push is on. The first trailer hit a while back, and the first poster was revealed last week. And while the trailer is an exhilarating promo clip, on first glance it’s easy to dismiss the poster. It feels minimal and rather meh overall, like a starving-artist, Bob Ross knock-off masquerading as a one-sheet ("Look at that happy little waterfall…").
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Signs continue to emerge suggesting that What to Expect When You're Expecting is a real movie with real stars and a very real prospect of opening theatrically, as opposed to one of those mock all-star trailers that the Funny or Die crew coughed up over bad Chinese food at the end of a 14-hour day. The latest indication: Character posters! It's like The Avengers of maternity anthologies! If, that is, the Avengers labored superhumanly on behalf of the beleaguered population of Cringe City.
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As a fledgling artist in his teens, Drew Struzan took to illustrating movie posters to make a living; decades later, his work in the world of visual film art has become not only iconic, but a part of the way we celebrate many modern cinema classics of the past few decades. This month's release Drew Struzan: Oeuvre collects more than 250 pieces of Struzan's art from films including Star Wars: Episode V -- The Empire Strikes Back, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings, and Movieline has a special exclusive preview of rare pieces from the forthcoming book.
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