Actress, former Italian princess by marriage, truthsayer: Olivia Wilde dropped TMI last night in a monologue about her "marathon" sex sessions with boyfriend Jason Sudeikis and how to tell when your vagina's not that into a relationship anymore. "Sometimes your vagina dies... then you know it’s time to go." Preach.
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Hungry for some funny? Sounds like the new competitive carving satire Butter might be what you're craving, at least according to its cast who hit the red carpet last night for the NY premiere!
Jennifer Garner, Olivia Wilde, Modern Family's Ty Burrell and more were all on hand for the creamy fete hosted by The Cinema Society along with DKNY, Forevermark, and RentTheRunway.com -- and they all went out of their way to assure audiences that Butter is NOT a political comedy.
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Or is she the Michele Bachmann of beurre? The more I see of October's Midwestern comedy Butter, the more I'm totally going to watch it and also maybe start etching masterworks out of breakfast foods. Watch the latest trailer for the Jennifer Garner-Olivia Wilde-Rob Corddry ensemble indie and see if you're as charmed by the tale of an orphan, a housewife, a stripper, and various other quirky personalities going head-to-head in a butter-carving contest.
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The new trailer for People Like Us (nee Welcome to People) is here, featuring Chris Pine and Elizabeth Banks as siblings who meet only after their father dies. The inheritance/estrangement/salvation plot (and a vaguely incestuous vibe that the trailer mostly counteracts with a few key shots of Olivia Wilde as Pine's wife) thickens around the family, with Michelle Pfeiffer dropping in as Pine's mother, which is just as bizarre as I expected it would be. Overall, though? Screenwriter Alex Kurtzman's directorial debut looks all right!
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The new trailer for People Like Us (nee Welcome to People) is here, featuring Chris Pine and Elizabeth Banks as siblings who meet only after their father dies. The inheritance/estrangement/salvation plot (and a vaguely incestuous vibe that the trailer mostly counteracts with a few key shots of Olivia Wilde as Pine's wife) thickens around the family, with Michelle Pfeiffer dropping in as Pine's mother, which is just as bizarre as I expected it would be. Overall, though? Screenwriter Alex Kurtzman's directorial debut looks all right!
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Despite that one disgruntled moviegoer's complaints, there are plenty of diehard members of the cult of Drive, which incidentally has racked up a cool $30 million to date. Not too shabby, Film District. Perhaps it's fitting, then, that Ryan Gosling's Driver character has now been commemorated in the cutest, cuddliest way imaginable: as a crocheted amigurumi doll, complete with his signature toothpick and a yarn hammer. And you thought YOU were obsessed with Drive. Hit the jump for today's Buzz Break...
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After an excerpt of his Vanity Fair interview hit yesterday in which he compared being photographed to being raped, Johnny Depp (whose Rum Diary hits screens in a few weeks) thought better of his word choice. ""I am truly sorry for offending anyone in any way. I never meant to. It was a poor choice of words on my part in an effort to explain a feeling. I understand there is no comparison and I am very regretful. In an effort to correct my lack of judgment, please accept my heartfelt apology." No worries, Johnny. It's Apology Wednesday! Stick around for more Buzz Break.
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Not only is Olivia Wilde open to appearing partially nude in movies -- as she does in Cowboys & Aliens and the upcoming Change-Up, but she is totally down to talk about said partial nudity at length in interviews. Earlier this week, she admitted that her own exposed behind in the latter film was a surprise, even to her, and the other night on a special Jon Favreau-directed episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the actress told the host (and all of America) about the CGI movie magic involved in her topless Change-Up scene with Ryan Reynolds.
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The Comic-Con crowd has always been good to Jon Favreau -- recall the splash he made here in 2007 with Iron Man, a geek director finding his people -- and charmingly (or cunningly, but mostly charmingly) Favreau knows it. So even without a panel to present at Comic-Con this year, he brought his latest film, the sci-fi Western Cowboys & Aliens, to San Diego in a big way: By hosting an enormous premiere filled with cast, crew, hundreds of fans, and a rousing, touching speech that seemed to genuinely come from the heart.
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For a summer blockbuster whose makers are trying to emphasize its seriousness, Cowboys & Aliens sure is shaping up to be a fun little dust-tinged ride through the alien-infested Wild West. Or is it the Wilde West, now that marketing materials are giving fans the sense that resident hottie Olivia Wilde is actually in this thing? Behold, the second full trailer for Jon Favreau's Cowboys & Aliens, packed with more (partial) alien peeks, more action, naked Olivia Wilde AND shirtless Daniel Craig! Yes, there's something for everyone.
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When it comes to conventions, Jon Favreau is nothing if not a man of the nerd people. Mindful of how much he owes to the Comic-Con faithful for jump-starting early word of mouth on the Iron Man franchise, he came to San Francisco this weekend with a treat: Nine minutes of footage from Cowboys & Aliens cut exclusively for the WonderCon audience, including a special reveal of the film's big, bad aliens -- aliens that Favreau otherwise intends to keep under wraps.
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