A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the Baz Luhrmann's trailer for The Great Gatsby contained ample scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Jason Clarke screaming. Now, after sifting through more than 50 photos from the movie that Warner Bros. has released into the blogosphere and watching an exclusive trailer that the UK's Daily Mail has posted, I can also tell you that, amid all the Art Deco opulence and Roaring Twenties hedonism, there will be plenty of brooding, too. There must be a lot to think about. more »

Also in Tuesday afternoon's round-up of news briefs: The New York Critics Circle sets its voting date for 2012's best pics; Queen biopic moves forward after delay; And, John Leguizamo eyes Universal action comedy with Ice Cube.
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The first trailer for Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby has arrived, and yup — this looks exactly like what Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby should look like: A richly stylized 1920s New York, Jazz Age nightclubs swirling with beaded flappers a la Moulin Rouge, star-crossed lovers exchanging torrid looks across impossibly polished sets, the anachronistic sounds of Kanye & Jay-Z & Frank Ocean... Not to mention Leonardo DiCaprio looking mighty fine in his first broodingly romantic role in over a decade. Soak up the moody art deco stylings and weigh in on Lurhmann's Christmas 3-D offering after the jump!
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Since we've all watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo like good little people-who-are-trying-to-figure-out-why-the-hell-it's-is-such-a-phenomenon-because-even-my-parents-care-about-it-now, it's the perfect time to reflect on what would've happened if David Fincher ditched Rooney Mara and opted for another ingenue to play Lisbeth Salander. Carey Mulligan? Ellen Page? Anne Hathaway? If I had the MS Paint prowess, I'd whip up renderings of Barbara Stanwyck, Faye Dunaway, and 94-year-old Joan Fontaine in the nose studs and combat boots, but I'll leave that to your imagination. After the jump, check out a bunch of very accurate, wholly hypothetical Lisbeth portraits.
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So Baz Luhrmann beats on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into 3-D. In the first photos from his splashy new The Great Gatsby adaptation, stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire, and Joel Edgerton vamp it up like humorlessly obsessed guests at a murder mystery dinner party. Anybody else find the casting here a bit too pat and obvious? Leonardo DiCaprio is a... a moneyed and aloofly self-interested man! Tobey Maguire is... a nervous, kowtowing outsider! Carey Mulligan is... the new Mia Farrow again! Well. Check out the images for yourself and see if I'm too cynical.
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For the past few weeks, Movieline's own S.T. VanAirsdale has been listing Michael Fassbender as one of the top five front runners for next year's Best Actor Oscar for his work in Steve McQueen's* upcoming erotic drama Shame. Finally, a trailer for the acclaimed film has surfaced, giving evidence again for why Fassbender -- who played X-Men: First Class's Magneto -- is so worthy of your crushes, why he ran away with the Best Actor Award at this year's Venice Film Festival and why all of those early rave reviews for Shame were warranted.
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Well, lookie who just officially entered the Oscar race! Fox Searchlight excitedly Tweeted today that they'll release filmmaker Steve McQueen's hot festival pickup Shame on December 2, 2011. That means two things: A) Rejigger those early Oscar charts to allow for stars Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, and B) get ready for some erotic, angsty December sexytime. Just in time for the holidays! [@FoxSearchlight]

Be still, my Nicolas Winding Refn-loving heart! The redband trailer for the Ryan Gosling-starrer Drive that debuted today at Comic-Con has hit the web, providing a taste of the taut, gorgeous crime thriller-romance that Refn co-panelist Guillermo del Toro went bananas over today in Hall H. Do yourself a favor and watch this, already!
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