James Franco, Selena Gomez, and Harmony Korine are down in Florida filming Spring Breakers, a movie about four coeds (including Disney tween queen Gomez) indebted to a rapping dealer named Alien (Franco) after they rob a bank to finance their spring break trip and he bails them out. All of this sounded innocent enough, at least as much as a Korine film can seem, until images of Franco emerged from the set. Some called his look Kevin Federline-esque; rapper Riff Raff stepped forth to actually claim, proudly, that Franco's cornrowed, blinged-out drug dealer persona was based on him. In any case, get a look at your 2011 Oscar nominee James Franco as... I don't even know what to call this. Movieliners, caption away!
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James Franco, Selena Gomez, and Harmony Korine are down in Florida filming Spring Breakers, a movie about four coeds (including Disney tween queen Gomez) indebted to a rapping dealer named Alien (Franco) after they rob a bank to finance their spring break trip and he bails them out. All of this sounded innocent enough, at least as much as a Korine film can seem, until images of Franco emerged from the set. Some called his look Kevin Federline-esque; rapper Riff Raff stepped forth to actually claim, proudly, that Franco's cornrowed, blinged-out drug dealer persona was based on him. In any case, get a look at your 2011 Oscar nominee James Franco as... I don't even know what to call this. Movieliners, caption away!
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Ha! It's a trick! There are no words.
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Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars sci-fi series may have first appeared 100 years ago -- and director Andrew Stanton's Disney adaptation John Carter may be taking forever to come out -- but EW's new photo from the movie is fresh as ever: Friday Night Lights vet Taylor Kitsch yanks on a chain while a gigantic, extraordinary white ape bellows behind him. Shall we caption this big-budget brawn?
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Thanks to all who entered Movieline's Caption This contest for the chance to attend the L.A. premiere of Tarsem's Immortals -- after the jump, see which entries won over Movieline's editors with their snappy stylings. And remember, each winner gets a pair of tickets to the premiere, so it's not too late to lobby them to bring you as their plus-one. Just sayin'. Read your winning captions after the jump.
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Tarsem fans and Greek mythology nerds, get your thinking caps out; Movieline's got four (4) pairs of VIP tickets to give away to send you and a guest to the Los Angeles premiere of Immortals, and the tix will go to the commenters who submit the best captions to accompany any of the below fantastical stills (or the one above) from the Henry Cavill-starring action pic. Ready, set, caption away! Details after the jump. [UPDATE: Contest is now closed to new submissions.]
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Oscar-nominated director Gus Van Sant was once in the running to helm The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn before Bill Condon got the gig, but a July dinner outing with Taylor Lautner and Milk writer Dustin Lance Black had the gossip mill wondering if Van Sant was working on a new film with the Twilight star.This weekend the director and the erstwhile wolf boy were photographed taking in Cirque du Soleil's IRIS: A Journey Through the World of Cinema. What could Gus 'n' Tay-Tay have been talking about?
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With the immortal words, "TWITTER- PRE PIMPHANDED GWYNETH PALTROW win," Glee's Kevin McHale ascended to the heights of slushie-proof popularity by posing in the hallways of McKinley High, prepared to do violence unto Gwyneth "Forget You" Paltrow as a horrified Heather Morris looked on in shock holding something resembling a fruit cup. Somehow we don't think McHale anticipated the unabashed glee (zing!) the world might get from the idea of slapping Oscar singing sensation Paltrow in the face, and here at Movieline we wouldn't condone violence to anyone, regardless of their relentless warblings on television shows, the CMAs, the Grammys, and the Academy Awards, but there you have it. Caption it after the jump!
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Jude Law was captured by photographers in San Francisco filming the Steven Soderbergh science thriller Contagion, in which he, Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Marion Cotillard battle a deadly disease. But you know what? None of those lucky co-stars got to don a sexy Hazmat uniform! Jude looks so happy in his plastic head cube, doesn't he?
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