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Dear Jason Reitman: Nice Rose, Sorry About the Oscar. Love, Movieline

You know which nominee is awfully hard to find on the post-Oscar photo wires this morning? One guess...

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VIDEO: But How Did Sandra Bullock's Oscar Speech Compare to Her Razzie Acceptance?

Without question, Sandra Bullock's Oscar speech yesterday was the best of the night, incorporating laughs, class, tears, and a sad realization that the speech may have been better than the actual movie she was winning for. Then again, the more difficult acceptance may have been the one Bullock delivered the night before, when she showed up to the Razzies to collect her Worst Actress trophy in All About Steve. I mean, she produced the movie and starred in it (so she's a bit partial), but is it just me, or is Bullock utterly unable to admit the film may have been a bit disastrous?

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Did Farrah Fawcett and Bea Arthur Belong in the 'In Memoriam' Montage?

Aside from a surprise appearance by Music by Prudence co-producer Elinor Burkett -- the "Kanye of the Oscars" -- no more scandalous event occurred than the omission of Farrah Fawcett and Bea Arthur from the annual "In Memoriam" montage. Or... was it scandalous? While I've got to say their exclusion threw my In Memoriam pool ballot into a tailspin, there's a case to be made today for leaving out two actresses not exactly best-known for their big-screen work.
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Hurt Locker Sweeps the Most Predictable Academy Awards Ever

Ahh -- the morning after the Oscars. Hollywood's brightest nurse Moet headaches on their chartered flights back to the set in Vancouver, underpaid assistants scrub champagne stains out of Marchesa gowns and Movieline staffers sweat off their Andre hangovers in a Hollywood & Highland storage closet. Alas, Movieline has a quick remedy for those of you that missed Movieline's live Oscarcast and even those mother's rights advocates out there who boycotted the show because of co-host Alec Baldwin -- the full list of winners from last night's 82nd Annual Academy Awards.

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Movieline at the 2010 Oscars

The ballots have been tabulated, the rule-breakers have been barred, and Mo'nique has finally decided between three equally gorgeous gowns. That's right, everyone -- Oscar Night 2010 is here! Join the whole gang from Movieline as we parse, sass, celebrate and bemoan the choices made by the Academy electorate on this momentous day for movie history. And what the hey -- we'll throw in our expert armchair fashion critiques for free. It's all right this way...

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Oh Yes It's Oscar Night

Hey there, all you Avatards, Blind Siders, District 9iacs, An Educationados, Hurt Lockeroonies, [DEEP INHALE] Fan Basterds, Preciousites, Serious Man-hards, Upsters and Up in the Air-icans! [PANT, PANT.] What are you doin' Oscars, Oscars eve? If you live in the greater New York area, we strongly suggest you swing over to our Oscars Viewing Party at 92YTribeca, where Stu VanAirsdale will be slinging hors d'oeuvres like a champ while your hosts/expert commentators Michelle Collins, Sara Benincasa and Sara Schaefer will preside over the insanity. If you're trapped elsewhere in the lower 48, or anywhere else on the planet with an internet connection, you can still feel like you're hanging out with your friends at Movieline, as we'll be having another tweetstravaganza like the one we held for the Golden Globes. Feel free to comment, too! It's going to be totally drunk! Uh, I mean fun! It's going to be fun.

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The Only Oscar Preview Infographic You Need

Look: We know that you're incredibly busy people, with barely enough time to skim, much less absorb, all the pre-Academy Awards coverage competing for your attention on the Oscarnet™. And so in the interest of delivering you only the most essential information in the most efficient way possible, we've mustered every ounce of our Photoshop skills to render everything you need to know about this year's ceremony in a single, easy-to-understand infographic. Don't waste your time with beautifully designed infographics that squander your precious mental bandwidth by filling your head with useless, but very interesting, trivia!
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Movieline Predicts Sunday's Winners with Our Complete Oscar Ballot

As a faithful Movieline reader, we want you to win your Oscar pool this year. Still, let's be realistic: This goal is going to take determination, focus, drive, and a lot of cribbing from Movieline's fully completed Oscar predictions ballot. Read on for our informed guesses, and good luck!

- Kyle and Seth

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Remembering 1966's The Oscar: Just As Cheese-Filled As the Real Thing

There are just two sleeps to go to the big night! The odds have been calculated and the prognostications made! The votes are in and now can't even be changed by Harvey's semitic signage, Nicolas's nincompoop e-natterings or James revealing that the Na'vi aren't actually CG but real genetic freaks he cooked up in his garage. Yet we can't keep having the same conversations for the next 48 hours. What we need is something to feed the appetite and stoke the fever -- something that's of the Academy Awards but not about their 82nd iteration. And The Oscar is that filmic fondue, a cauldron of cheese cooked up by director Russell Rouse, writer Harlan Ellison, stars Stephen Boyd and Tony Bennett, and a who's who of Hollywood donating cameos.
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Tyler Perry Finally Acknowledges Oscars

More than month after Tyler Perry's executive-produced labor of love Precious was nominated for six Oscars, the media impresario finally sent a fan message recognizing the film's standing at the Academy Awards. Also: He's presenting! "So strange," Perry wrote. "I became an Academy member last year and, this year, I'm asked to present. How cool is that?! Catch it this Sunday night if you can. 6 Nominations for PRECIOUS -- I'm so happy for them." If I can? If I can? Yeah, well, Bad Boys II is on NBC that night, I guess, so... If I can. God, I love this guy. []

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Because It's That Kind of Year, Let a Rabbit Choose Best Picture

In a shocking bit of interspecial backlash, an intransigent rabbit named Smokey begs to differ that Inglourious Basterds is "the thing that happened in cinema this year." In fact, the real thing that happened in cinema this year is that a rabbit has more of a clue than our psychic pals and much of the Hollywood establishment about what will win the Best Picture Oscar come Sunday. Maybe it's just Smokey's savant-like understanding of the preferential ballot, or maybe he took Nicolas Chartier's impassioned e-mails to heart -- it really could be anything. But this is as informed and credible an Oscar forecast as any we've yet seen at Movieline HQ, so consider yourself advised. That said, Smokey also chose David Carradine as a dark horse on my "In Memoriam" Montage Pool ballot, so grain of salt, etc. Click through for the most adorable Oscar prognostication ever.
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A Montage Refresher of Oscar Thank-Yous. (You're Welcome)

Oscar producers Adam Shankman and Bill Mechanic are trying to banish winners' thank-you speeches to a backstage camera, leaving precious time at the podium for tearful blubbering, one-armed pushups, and cute-but-in-retrospect-creepy-and-unsolicited French kisses, but I'd wager that we're still going to hear more than a few winners thank God, and more importantly, their agents. At least it will provide more material for this helpful montage (after the jump), which collects just about ever salient Oscar thank-you ever committed to YouTube, I'm guessing. Marvel at the uniformity of gush, and remember what Anna Paquin once looked like with clothes on. [Buzzfeed via Vulture]
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Moment of Truth: 2010's Oscar-Nominated Documentarians Talk to Movieline

Welcome back to Moment of Truth, Movieline's weekly showcase of up-and-coming nonfiction cinema. Usually each installment features one new film and filmmaker, but hey: It's Oscars Weekend! This calls for an exception. As such, Movieline reached out to this year's nominees for Best Documentary Feature, hosting a virtual roundtable including:

· Rebecca Cammisa (Which Way Home, about Latin American child migrants to the U.S.)

· Judith Erlich and Rick Goldsmith (The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, about the famous Vietnam War-era whistleblower)

· Robert Kenner (Food Inc., about the grave implications of U.S. food production)

· Anders Østergaard (Burma VJ, about citizen journalists documenting uprisings in Burma)

· Louie Psihoyos (The Cove, about the secret slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan)

Congrats to them! But now we have some questions. Take a moment to get to know them, their stories, their takes on the race, and, of course, their respective Oscar-night dates.

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Is Nicolas Chartier Actually Trying to Sabotage The Hurt Locker's Oscar Chances?

Let's just put this out there: If The Hurt Locker fails to win Best Picture this Sunday, it will amount to nothing less than the ultimate, most spectacular come-from-ahead flame job in the history of the Academy Awards. Strike that -- in the history of awards, period. It would be like William Faulkner choking away the 1949 Nobel Prize to Mickey Spillane, or Dakota Fanning defeating Rosario Dawson for a 2008 NAACP Image Award. Don't snicker! It could have happened -- but it didn't, precisely there are some honors that the cosmos just isn't ready to cede to the freaks and flukes of everyday human life. But if his latest ill-advised, leaked e-mail tells us anything, Oscar-barred Hurt Locker producer Nicolas Chartier is challenging the cosmos to a duel. And damn if this guy isn't determined to win. Or lose, depending on your perspective.
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An Inventory of Items Claimed by Sarah Palin, Oscar Gifting Suite 'Locust'

When you think "Oscar week," you think "Sarah Palin," don't you? Admit it, you do -- or, at least, you will, because for some reason, the erstwhile V.P. candidate cut a swath through an Academy Awards gifting suite yesterday in Los Angeles, a practice usually reserved only for actual Oscar nominees or, failing that, AnnaLynne McCord and Bai Ling. "They were like locusts," one vendor told E!, irate that the gifting suite had to open two hours early for Palin's entourage. "She showed up with like 20 people, and they immediately swarmed the place taking everything!" And what did that "everything" comprise?

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