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Today's Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Javier Bardem

It's time once again to return to Movieline's recently undertaken mission to honor this year's acting and directing nominees with a tribute that will surely outlive any trophy they could ever hope to receive: one of our daily inaugural Awards-Season Trading Cards. Today, let's give it up for Best Actor nominee Javier Bardem!

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Melissa Leo Likes Herself! She Really, Really Likes Herself!

We're in the dark heart of Oscar season now, where desperate moves become common and the studios are looking to sink their knives in their opponents any which way they can; whisper campaigns about verisimilitude, anti-Semitism, or Fascist leanings are trotted out to try to discredit the other guy. It's a sad, nasty business, but it's taken an odd turn with Melissa Leo's personal campaign ads for her own role in The Fighter. It's a vanity campaign that might sabotage her front-runner status.

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The King's Speech Gets Props from The Queen

Add another feather to the hat of The King's Speech: "The Queen loves a good film," a source told the Daily Mail. "The King's Speech is close to the bone as it is a portrayal of her family life in the 1930s." That's Queen Elizabeth II giving Harvey Weinstein his next Oscar campaign blurb ("The Queen praises The King!"). No truth to the rumor that David Fincher will follow this news up by stealing candy from a crying baby. [Daily Mail via Showbiz411]

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Defiant David Fincher Reveals Oscar Strategy

"I don't buy this notion that emotion and sentimentality are the same," the filmmaker says in a new THR profile. "You won't see me on Barbara Walters; Oprah, that's not who I am. I don't like sentimentality because I don't like movies that 'tell' me -- I want to engage in a movie that says, 'Here it is.' It's not a colder point of view; that's reductive. It's more adult." Fair enough! Also: This might be a problem. [THR]

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Today's Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Helena Bonham Carter

It's time once again to return to Movieline's recently undertaken mission to honor this year's acting and directing nominees with a tribute that will surely outlive any trophy they could ever hope to receive: one of our daily inaugural Awards-Season Trading Cards. Today, let's give it up for Best Supporting Actress nominee Helena Bonham Carter!

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Movieline Investigates: Is There a Template for the Perfect Oscar Speech?

We've got the 2011 Oscars pinpointed like a Foursquare convention, but it's time to address the less predictable element of the big night: The speeches! The Academy Awards are flush with wonderful moments (Louise Fletcher, you goddess!), but recent Oscar winners -- save Sandra Bullock -- could use a few tips on speechifying. Come along as we name three podium mistakes and identify the best single speech for future winners to learn by heart.

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Play the Statuesque Sweepstakes: Choose and Share Your Oscar Picks, Win a MacBook Air!

Raise your hand if you like free stuff. Whoa. Keep it raised if you like the Oscars. Yesss. That's what we at Movieline thought. Thus we are pleased and thrilled to introduce our Statuesque Oscar Picks Sweepstakes, wherein you put your awards-prognostication acumen to use for the opportunity to win either a MacBook Air or one of two new iPods. It's easy!

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John Hawkes on His Winter's Bone Oscar Nod: 'I Kind of Prefer the Underdog Role'

Best known for his character work on Deadwood and in the indie charmer Me and You and Everyone We Know, John Hawkes earned raves for his quietly menacing performance as the volatile, meth-addicted Teardrop in Debra Granik's Winter's Bone. In addition to nabbing Academy Award nominations for Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay, the Ozarks noir notched an Oscar nod for Hawkes -- his first -- who will vie for Best Supporting Actor against the likes of Christian Bale, Geoffrey Rush, Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner.

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Today's Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Jeff Bridges

It's time once again to return to Movieline's recently undertaken mission to honor this year's acting and directing nominees with a tribute that will surely outlive any trophy they could ever hope to receive: one of our daily inaugural Awards-Season Trading Cards. Today, let's give it up for Best Actor nominee Jeff Bridges!

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Oscar Index: OK, Everyone, Just Freaking Calm Down About The King's Speech

Hoo boy. A dramatic and turbulent week in awardsdom made for some long hours at Movieline's Institute for Kudos Forensics. Our researchers persevered, however, yielding the latest edition of Oscar Index for your review, enjoyment and/or comment. No wagering, though!

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The 10 Most Disturbed Best Supporting Actor Performances of All-Time

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science loves two things: Histrionic supporting actresses, and disturbed and/or disturbing supporting actors. Since we've already explored the former with nutty comprehension, it's time to revisit the chillier side of Oscar's supporting categories. Which roles are the grisliest in Academy history? Join us for the rundown.

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This Month in NYC: Movieline and 92YTribeca Look Back Before They Were Nominated

Are you in New York? Do you have reliable winter clothes and maybe an ice pick that will aid travel in and around the city? if so, guess who's in luck? You have the rare opportunity to reflect on the work of Oscar darlings Natalie Portman, Jesse Eisenberg, Danny Boyle and David O. Russell (among others) in 92YTribeca's awesome new series Before They Were Nominated.

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Today's Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Darren Aronofsky

It's time once again to return to Movieline's recently undertaken mission to honor this year's acting and directing nominees with a tribute that will surely outlive any trophy they could ever hope to receive: one of our daily inaugural Awards-Season Trading Cards. Today, let's give it up for Best Director nominee Darren Aronofsky!

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5 Ways The Social Network Can Reclaim Its Oscar Mojo

A week ago at this time, after all but guaranteeing The Social Network's supremacy at this year's Academy Awards, the kudos cognoscenti watched uneasily as The King's Speech soared past TSN in both Oscar nomination count -- nabbing 12 to TSN's eight -- and awards-season profile. By yesterday morning, with three influential guild awards in its pocket and even its most dogged opponents conceding eventual Academy defeat, the King's team may as well have dropped some champagne on ice and started drafting Oscar acceptance speeches. But! Not so fast! The final ballots haven't even been mailed yet, and voting is open for three weeks. Might The Social Network have The King's Speech right where it wants it?

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Today's Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Mark Ruffalo

It's time once again to return to Movieline's recently undertaken mission to honor this year's acting and directing nominees with a tribute that will surely outlive any trophy they could ever hope to receive: one of our daily inaugural Awards-Season Trading Cards. Today, let's give it up for Best Supporting Actor nominee Mark Ruffalo!

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