Eat your heart out, Strasberg: Actor Sam Worthington (Avatar, Clash of the Titans), in Atlanta filming Ten with Arnold Schwarzenegger, was pepper-sprayed by a doorman after allegedly becoming disruptive on Saturday, then was handcuffed and arrested for disorderly conduct — and still managed to remain in character! Kinda.
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Also in Tuesday morning's Biz Break: Horizon Movies picks up an ode to '70s and '80s thrillers, Martin Scorsese is driving a new Rolls Royce pic, movies are top for consumers, and more...
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The 10 years that we are told at the beginning of Wrath of the Titans have passed since Perseus (Sam Worthington) defeated the Kraken may not seem like long enough, especially when you consider that it’s only been two since the Clash of the Titans remake was released, Kraken-like, on an unsuspecting populace. It was sufficient time, anyway, for Worthington to grow out his hair, so that in Wrath of the Titans he sports a soft cap of curls to go with his peaceful life among the humans. He’s lost a wife but gained a son and another pretext to propel a franchise whose fate was sealed once Avatar’s numbers started rolling in. That it was going to happen was certain; how it happened was of secondary concern.
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Forget John Carter's controversial budget woes and terrible tracking for a minute; Wrath of the Titans has been threatening to be the first big biff of 2012 since it was announced, thanks largely to its poorly received predecessor, Clash of the Titans. The sequel's initial Marilyn Manson-themed trailer didn't help, either, but Warner Bros. have thankfully tightened things (and stopped lingering on Sam Worthington's Kenny Powers 'do) for a new trailer that actually promises some fantastic CG creature work. Bring on the lava monster thingy!
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You know how when you're browsing around online, and you arrive at a news site or some other ad-supported publication that digs into your Web history for the most appropriate display ads to show you on your visit? Except they're not appropriate, like, at all? Try this recent combo found by a Movieline reader in Australia:
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It’s so hard to find a reasonably enjoyable thriller these days that anything with a marginally intriguing premise and fewer than 10 plot holes has come to seem like a minor miracle. Man on a Ledge might have been that kind of modest miracle: Sam Worthington stars as Nick Cassidy, a pissed-off ex-cop who’s been convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. Somehow – and the whole of Man on a Ledge deals with the whys and wherefores of that somehow – he springs himself from Sing Sing, suits up in some phenomenally nice-looking threads, and checks himself (under an assumed name) into a room on one of the upper floors of a midtown Manhattan luxury hotel. After a room-service breakfast of champagne, lobster and French fries, he creeps out onto the ledge and greets the cops who respond to the call with some very specific demands.
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The first trailer for the action sequel Wrath of the Titans just hit, and -- what's that? You forgot this movie existed entirely? And you're tired of replaying the new Dark Knight Rises trailer over and over again just to make out Bane's muffled dialogue? I'm pretty sure he's growling something along the lines of, "Geez, didja see the new Wrath of the Titans trailer? They really did a number on poor Sam Worthington's hair, amirite?" Holy Greek demigods, people -- he's like Kenny Powers in sandals. Curls will rise, and then some. Watch the CG spectacular after the jump.
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Someone's been dumping bodies in the marsh lands outside of small town Texas City, and cops Sam Worthington, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Jessica Chastain are determined to catch the killer. In her sophomore directorial effort, Ami Canaan Mann (daughter of Michael, who produced) helms Texas Killing Fields, a cop thriller based on grisly true events. After the jump, watch Worthingon and Chloe Moretz in Movieline's exclusive look at a scene from the October 14 release.
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