Shia LaBeouf appears to be going full-tilt method acting of late. First, the actor said last summer that he was going "all the way" in Danish director Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac, and at the Sundance Film Festival, currently underway, he said he dropped acid while working on The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman.
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This week Shia LaBeouf announced that his blockbuster phase is over. From here on out, he's focusing on working with indie artistes, starting with everyone's favorite provocateur, Lars Von Trier. But will Shia go all the way for his art on Von Trier's Nymphomaniac, which will reportedly be shot in both softcore and hardcore versions and potentially require its cast to perform unsimulated sex scenes?
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Swedish-born actor Stellan Skarsgard has run a wide gamut of film roles in his career. His blockbuster fare includes roles in Marvel's The Avengers and last year's Thor. He appeared in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Mamma Mia as well as artier titles like A Somewhat Gentle Man (2010) and fellow Scandinavian Lars von Trier's Melancholia (2011), Dogville (2003) and Dancer in the Dark (2000). One of his next projects is the controversial filmmaker's next two films, which have already titillated fans of the enigmatic Danish director. Skarsgard gave a bit of insight about the back to back projects, The Nymphomaniac and The Nymphomaniac Part 2, which, perhaps unsurprisingly, promise to live up to their titles.
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The Berlin Film Festival and European Film Market are getting underway as we speak, exposing an all-new crop of good, bad and WTF-inducing projects we'll be hearing and/or seeing about in the year or two to come. But there are also revelations to be found regarding more familiar titles. Take Lars von Trier's already notorious, sexually explicit Nymphomaniac, for example.
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