I so wanted to be pleasantly shocked by The Canyons, the Paul Schrader-directed erotic L.A. noir starring wannabe comeback queen (and documented on-set terror, per that glorious NYT profile) Lindsay Lohan. The tongue-in-cheek trailer held some distant promise, although it was notably absent any extended look at the acting by LiLo and co-star/porn hunk James Deen, but now we've got three full unbroken minutes of The Canyons and, well, that comeback train's going to be delayed at the station... if not completely derailed off the tracks in a fiery blaze.
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Paul Schrader and Bret Easton Ellis's indie L.A. noir The Canyons has been a curious project to track — who's the more random star, comeback queen Lindsay Lohan or porn stud James Deen? — but a new teaser trailer offers an unexpectedly compelling preview of the film, retro-exploitation style.
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UPDATE (Sept. 5): Sara Moore, a representative from EL James' literary agency, Valerie Hoskins Associates, responded to my request for comment on Wednesday. "Thank you for your interest in Fifty Shades," Moore wrote, "however we cannot comment on any of this." It looks like James' camp is taking an "ignore him and he'll go away" approach to Bret Easton Ellis, who has yet to respond.
PREVIOUSLY (Sept. 4): How does a media-savvy screenwriter promote his modest Kickstarter.com-financed film when the media is fixated on tentpole pictures?
What if he connected one of his project's actors — who happens to be a porn star — to the seriously sexy and much buzzed-about film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey?
That's what I suspect novelist and screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis is doing with The Canyons, the L.A. noir thriller he wrote.
The Canyons, which Paul Schrader is directing, stars Lindsay Lohan and James Deen, a 26-year-old porn actor and director, who, like Sasha Grey, appears to be looking for more traditional acting work. more »