Here at Movieline readers have to work for their hard-earned prizes, but today we have a haiku contest that should also engage your inner child and tap into the most whimsical, fantastical depths of your imagination: Write an original haiku inspired by this weekend's colorful and witty Snow White retelling Mirror Mirror -- a movie featuring heroines in swan dresses and people wearing boats as hats! -- and you could win dinner and a movie for four! UPDATED: See the winning entry below!
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Attention all spy genre enthusiasts, Cold War buffs and Gary Oldman fans: Movieline is giving away three (3) pairs of VIP tickets to the Los Angeles premiere of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy to the trio of readers who come up with the most clever haiku poems dedicated to one of the film's stars.
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Another week, another chance to play guest critic at Movieline and earn a cool prize. This time, our giveaway is Blue Velvet-themed in honor of the 25th anniversary Blu-ray release of David Lynch's twisted, symbolism-laden, profanity-heavy masterpiece. So crack a Pabst Blue Ribbon and click ahead to begin the fun! [UPDATE: The contest is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated. We will now sort through your submissions and notify you of a winner shortly.]
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Thanks to all who entered Movieline's Caption This contest for the chance to attend the L.A. premiere of Tarsem's Immortals -- after the jump, see which entries won over Movieline's editors with their snappy stylings. And remember, each winner gets a pair of tickets to the premiere, so it's not too late to lobby them to bring you as their plus-one. Just sayin'. Read your winning captions after the jump.
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Let's hear it for all of the Movieline readers who turned out yesterday and today to make our Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy Giveaway our best contest yet. Cheers! Applause! Maniacal Tom Cruise laughter! When the contest ended, your loyal Movieline team locked themselves in the office to dramatically interpret each of your clever 10-word reviews (and eat lunch). An hour or so later, we have chosen our winners.
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Let's hear it for all the readers and Audrey Hepburn devotees who participated in this week's Breakfast at Tiffany's 10-word-review contest in honor of the film's 50th birthday. We've received a deluge of submissions but alas, we could only choose three as winners. Click ahead to see whose witty write-ups earned them a special anniversary Blu-ray edition of the Blake Edwards classic.
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Let's hear it for all the readers, fans and aspiring MMA fighters who participated in our 10-word review contest for Gavin O'Connor's Warrior, starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton and Nick Nolte. We've received a plethora of thoughtful submissions but alas, we could only choose one as the winner. Click ahead to see whose knockout review earned him/her a prize pack of the ultimate Warrior memorabilia.
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Gavin O'Connor's Warrior earned rave reviews last weekend (including mine, which you can read here) on the strength of its fine performances and heart-wrenching story of two mixed martial artist brothers (Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton) pitted against each other in and outside of the ring. Now's your chance to play guest critic and enter to win a prize pack Movieline's giving away that includes the ultimate Warrior memorabilia: An MMA glove signed by star Joel Edgerton.
UPDATE: The contest is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated in this very special Warrior giveaway. We will now sort through your thoughtful submissions and notify you of a winner shortly.
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