Between Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, and the reliably bizarro fashion statements of Helena Bonham Carter, the Dark Shadows premiere promised a veritable feast of eccentricities. But guess what? The best and weirdest photo ops from last night's to-do came not from the aforementioned mavens of macabre (granted, HBC was M.I.A.), but from the bizarre antics of an unlikely duo whose red carpet shenanigans made Burton and his cast of lovable weirdos look downright... mundane.
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You might have heard that it's Valentine's Day, which means romantic ruminations and reflections and perhaps an irresponsible outlay of cash in the humiliating pursuit of way more than a kiss goodnight. You know who you are. For others, it's a chance to look on at the utter futility of love in all its heart-shattering horror. We know who we are, and it's time to represent. To wit: Let's talk about the most pulverizing break-ups in cinema.
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It wasn't quite a complete reunion for Peter Bogdanovich and the cast of his 1971 breakthrough The Last Picture Show last night at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences; there was no Jeff Bridges or Ellen Burstyn in sight, but plenty of the other main players including Cybill Shepherd, Timothy Bottoms, Cloris Leachman (who gives a funny anecdote about an underwear-related scene), and Eileen Brennan joined Bogdanovich to recount stories from behind the scenes of the adapted Larry McMurtry novel. Yeah, it'd have been nice for The Dude to stop by, but you'll find yourself transfixed by Brennan very soon anyway. Mrs. Peacock in the flesh, yo. Video (featuring moderator Luke Wilson) after the jump.
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Today's October 17, the birthday of rapper/sometime actor Eminem! And do you know who else knows it's Eminem's birthday? Cloris Leachman. Who is on Twitter. Tweeting to Eminem. (We heart you, Cloris.)
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