The marketing noise at Comic-Con is always such a cacophony, it can be tough-to-impossible to get tiny movies noticed in the chaos unless they've got attention-grabbing hooks. Like, say, finding a thumb drive inside a condom that just happens to contain the first-look teaser at Ron Perlman as a transsexual named Phyllis greeting his Sons of Anarchy son Charlie Hunnam (both in town for this weekend's Pacific Rim and SoA panels) and Bridemaids' Chris O'Dowd with a big, fat kiss. Movieline's got your first look at the indie comedy Frankie Go Boom!
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Stephanie Zacharek's review pretty much confirmed this, but! For the record, Dear Consumer: "The advertisements emphasize the Bridesmaids pseudo-reunion, making it look like it's a rollicking comedic romp with Kristen Wiig, Jon Hamm, Maya Rudolph, and Chris O'Dowd all just giggling and making silly faces. [...] Those four, the Bridesmaids folk, they really don't have much to do other than pop in every 20 minutes or so to comment on the action, a sort of Greek chorus surrounding our two heroes. It's also worth noting that none of them is actually funny, by design. You know that scene you've seen the commercial where Wiig and Hamm sneak out of the restaurant bathroom, post coitus? That's in the first five minutes of the movie, right before a 'Four Years Later' insert. Wiig spends the rest of the film crying into various glasses of wine while Hamm yells at her. It's a real laugh riot." [Deadspin]

While some marketing efforts demand a close read, others allow no margin for misundertanding what they are, where they come from, or what they portend. Take writer-director Jordan Roberts's comedy Frankie Go Boom, which premieres this weekend at South By Southwest with arguably the best tagline of any festival film in history and the promise of Ron Perlman in full transgender mode. Get your first look at the poster — and a tagline translation — after the jump.
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