Also in Tuesday afternoon's round-up of news briefs Topher Grace and Anthony Mackie join a new pic. Sony Classics picks a new title for U.S. release. And, Morgan Spurlock names a new exec at his production company.
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In Monday afternoon's round-up of news briefs, Sundance Institute, the group behind the annual Sundance Film Festival, announced details about its summer producing labs; Anthony Mackie may join the Captain America sequel; And, superhero comedy Alter Egos is set for Kevin Smith series.
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It’s not every day you see a movie and ask yourself, “Why does this thing even exist?” But I’m truly puzzled by the existence of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I get that it’s based on a novel by Seth Grahame-Smith, part of a pop literary genre — launched by Grahame-Smith himself — that takes famous figures, fictional or otherwise, and pits them against vampires and zombies. I get that it’s directed by Timur Bekmambetov, the zany Russian-Kazakh mastermind behind cult apocalyptic favorites Night Watch and Day Watch (2004 and 2006, respectively), not to mention the stupidly entertaining 2008 action thriller Wanted. I even grant you that it’s probably OK to make up wholly imaginary motives for why Abraham Lincoln might have wanted to end slavery, motives having to do not with the preservation of human dignity, equality between all people and all that rot, but because it was kind of a handy sideline to the task of ridding the world of vampires. I know and accept all of this. And still I ask — Why?
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Saturday at WonderCon, Timur Bekmambetov debuted new footage and a 3-D trailer for his upcoming revisionist fantasy-actioner history lesson Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter -- the Seth Grahame-Smith-penned retelling of how America's 16th President saved the nation... from vampires. Watch the 2-D version of the trailer after the jump and marinate on the wholly new lessons we can learn from the saga of Honest Abe -- or, as star Benjamin Walker explained to the crowd in Anaheim: "As an American, I want to know that my leaders are strong and have the capacity to make decisions -- and cut some heads off."
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It’s so hard to find a reasonably enjoyable thriller these days that anything with a marginally intriguing premise and fewer than 10 plot holes has come to seem like a minor miracle. Man on a Ledge might have been that kind of modest miracle: Sam Worthington stars as Nick Cassidy, a pissed-off ex-cop who’s been convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. Somehow – and the whole of Man on a Ledge deals with the whys and wherefores of that somehow – he springs himself from Sing Sing, suits up in some phenomenally nice-looking threads, and checks himself (under an assumed name) into a room on one of the upper floors of a midtown Manhattan luxury hotel. After a room-service breakfast of champagne, lobster and French fries, he creeps out onto the ledge and greets the cops who respond to the call with some very specific demands.
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As Sundance 2012 passed the halfway point, the celebs and hangers-on and people watchers started filtering out of Park City, leaving the sidewalks actually walkable and the shuttles downright spacious. I prepare to go home tomorrow, with many more interviews and reports to come, but the glorious peacefulness has me misty-eyed about the week that was; here's a quick rundown of highlights from the first week of the fest -- the movies I loved, the events that transpired, and yes, the time I met with Ice-T and Coco to talk hip-hop while they munched on pancakes.
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What is it with hometown reunions and high school sweethearts this week? Already, we've seen Hilary Duff try to hijack Mark Polish before he can rekindle the flames with his teen crush (Winona Ryder) in Stay Cool. We've seen artwork for Diablo Cody's Young Adult, which features a teen lit novelist (Charlize Theron) who tries to reclaim her happily-married high school honey (Patrick Wilson). And now, we get a clip of Channing Tatum zeroing in on his love interest of yester-decade (Rosario Dawson) in a snippet from the star-packed Ten Year.
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