Oh, good: The legal battle that threatened to derail the illustrious "people stitched together" Human Centipede series has been settled, enabling director Tom Six and franchise star Dieter Laser to move forward in the name of art on The Human Centipede 3. (Guess that answers this question... or does it?) According to EW, with a peaceful accord achieved in the Human Centipede universe, Six and Laser are now moving forward on the third and most extreme pic in the franchise to date, which will culminate in the groundbreaking 500-person centipede chain audiences have been clamoring for.
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Breaking news: The third installment of Tom Six's Human Centipede saga -- which the director promised would see 500 human beings stitched together... in America! -- may be in trouble. According to reports cobbled together through press releases and Twitter missives from Six and his Human Centipede star, Dieter Laser, the German actor took issue with certain script elements, causing him to walk. Six says he'll sue. Will the script and contract issues be resolved in time to get the erstwhile Dr. Heiter on set for the shoot, commencing later this year? WILL THE PEOPLE OF EARTH GET THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE THREEQUEL THEY WANT DESERVE DREAD??
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Consider it another notch in Tom Six's cinematic bedpost: The barf-inducing horror sequel The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) has been banned in Australia following review by the Classification Review Board, the nation's three-person governing body. Too extreme even for an R 18+ rating, the film was deemed to contain "gratuitous, exploitative, or offensive depictions of violence with a very high degree of impact and cruelty which has a high impact;" hit with a RC (Refused Classification) label, it can't be "sold, hired, or advertised" in Australia.
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Dutch filmmaker Tom Six cut a striking figure last month at Fantastic Fest, where he appeared -- ever-smiling and clad head to toe in a pristine white suit, his outfit of choice -- to world premiere his squirm-inducing body horror sequel, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence). The following day Movieline spoke with Six about the film, in which he meets the challenge of one-upping himself in the escalation of extremes in gory, grotesque detail. Upon hearing that an audience member fainted the previous night, Six professed his sympathy. He was sorry to hear it, he said with a grin. Well, maybe not completely sorry.
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Dutch director Tom Six struck a genre nerve (sliced clean through with cold, sterile precision, really) with his 2010 body-horror endurance test The Human Centipede (First Sequence), in which a mad surgeon stitched together three poor souls, end to end to end to end, in the name of twisted science. In the very least, it seems Six has thought good and hard about the film's success and why some of the most disturbed sights and ideas this side of Salo -- his favorite film, naturally -- titillated horror fans so. But in going meta with The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), in which a mentally challenged British fan of the first film plays copycat with a dozen more unfortunate "patients," Six frequently falls parallel to his own villain, indulging in a depravity of his own design with a masturbatory glee that becomes taxing and torturous to anyone else.
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Laurence R. Harvey (not to be confused with Laurence Harvey, the late Oscar-nominated Lithuanian-British actor) made an unusual debut on the world's stage when a close-up of his face, sweaty and bug-eyed, was released as the first image from Tom Six's depraved sequel The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence). Meeting the British stage veteran -- and, yes, one-time children's television performer -- on the red carpet at Fantastic Fest, Movieline was pleasantly relieved to find that Harvey is far from his disturbing alter ego, the put-upon Human Centipede-worshipping drudge Martin, who commits unspeakable acts upon fresh victims in the new film. But does his mother know what he's been up to?
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In the brand new trailer for New Year's Eve, Garry Marshall's holiday-themed movie event that promises to give the phrase "ensemble romantic comedy" a bad name, Robert De Niro wonders what could possibly beat "New York on New Year's Eve." I'll tell you what: Not throwing all of your actorly credibility out the window confetti-style to appear alongside Zac Efron, Jon Bon Jovi and Ludacris in a movie that features Ashton Kutcher trapped in an elevator with the annoying girl from Glee. You know what other moviegoers might also consider better than seeing Garry Marshall's vision of NYC on New Year's Eve? Tom Six's Human Centipede 2, which inspires similar nausea but for different reasons.
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Somewhere toward the end of The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), Tom Six's follow-up to the notorious 2010 dare of a horror film The Human Centipede (First Sequence) -- after the sequel's new villain had performed makeshift "surgery" on his twelve victims but before the film's gruesome, stomach-churning denouement -- the woman sitting next to me fell ill and fainted. She came to minutes later, she told me as we waited for medics, only to be greeted by a wall of disorienting, horrifying sounds, a cacophony of screams and even worse noises, accompanied by some of the vilest images ever captured on film. Needless to say, it was agony to live through. But, she said with a brave smile, it reminded her that she was human after all.
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Ever since deranged Dutch filmmaker Tom Six announced that Human Centipede 2 would make his original mouth-to-anus picture "look like a Disney film," we have been anxiously awaiting video evidence. After seeing this week's Australian teaser debut, IFC Films has granted us a first trailer for The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence, which has already been banned in the U.K. So guys, hold on tight to your Human Centipede charm necklaces and click through -- except for you, Donnie Wahlberg.
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Last anyone heard from team Human Centipede, led by the redoubtable, utterly demented filmmaker Tom Six, the third film in the series was eyeing a U.S. setting. Those plans might go south depending on whether or not Six and Co. can even get the controversial Human Centipede Part 2: Full Sequence screened uncut and uncensored when it opens Stateside next month -- an inevitability that a new, NSFW Australian teaser wouldn't have you count on.
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Oh, lovely: After staging his body-stitching horror pic The Human Centipede (First Sequence) in Germany and getting banned in the U.K. for upping the twisted thrills (and the number of victims) in the Britain-set Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), director Tom Six plans to finish his trilogy in the good old U.S.A. "We're going to shoot the third film entirely in America and it's going to be my favorite," he said during the Empire Presents... Big Screen event in London, where he promised that the threequel would "make the last one look like a Disney film." Hold onto your asses, America. [Empire via Twitch]