This is getting a little ridiculous: The Hunger Games claimed its fourth straight weekend box-office win on Sunday, mopping the floor with weak-sauce competition including The Three Stooges, Cabin in the Woods, and a brutally performing Lockout. Your Weekend Receipts are here.
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"Considering the vivid 3D effects, we fear that viewers may reach out their hands for a touch and thus interrupt other people's viewing. To avoid potential conflicts between viewers and out of consideration of building a harmonious ethical social environment, we've decided to cut off the nudity scenes." I presume this means Piranha 3DD can count the Chinese market out. [IMDB]

Happy Monday! Did you have a good holiday weekend? Here's hoping it was better than what transpired over the last few days at the box office, where returns ranged from modest to sluggish as America's families holed up with God and the Masters and whatever else struck their fancies while multiplexes hummed along quietly with a shrinking blockbuster and a few decent runners-up. Your Weekend Receipts
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Browsing through the photo record of Tuesday's Titanic 3D premiere in London, one notices immediately the absence of Leonardo DiCaprio. What gives? I mean, if Billy Zane can make time, then lord knows Leo should be able to drop in for at least a few snapshots with James Cameron and co-star Kate Winslet. At the very least, he'd better have a good excuse — which, according to Cameron, he did.
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In a milestone of human civilization right up there with landing on the moon and eating 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes, James Cameron reached the deepest point on the planet on Sunday — the Mariana Trench, nearly seven miles below the surface of the Pacific. Naturally, upon reaching bottom, he did what any record-setting blockbuster deep-sea diver would do: Tweeted.
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I wanted to believe James Cameron — I really did! — but it turns out that the 3-D conversion of his megahit Titanic is not only the craven cash grab we all feared, but it's also a visually drab re-rendering of an otherwise extraordinary technical achievement. Womp wooomp.
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