Now here's a proper celebration of Roger Ebert's life. Tilda Swinton, dressed like David Bowie and channeling Ellen DeGeneres rouses 1,500 people at Ebertfest in Champaign, IL to shake their money makers to Barry White's "My First, My Last, My Everything" at the Virginia Theater on April 20. (That's Ebert's widow Chaz introducing the actress.) more »

If you thought you were getting any work done during the second part of the day, think again. The good people at Vulture have apparently teamed up with the RAND Corporation and NASA to devise a series of charts with endless permutations that rank today's most valuable movie stars. But, we ask: Who are today's Most Valuable Indie Stars?
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Ahead of opening the 65th Cannes Film Festival with tonight's red-carpet premiere, Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom kicked off the frenzy this morning with a screening and press conference.
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You already know you're in for a twee-fest packed with richly colorful characters and a healthy dose of quirky charm in Wes Anderson's period kid romance Moonrise Kingdom, so watching these six newly unveiled clips from the film probably won't spoil all that much. Instead, they give us more of what we're already expecting: Game turns by Anderson regulars like Bill Murray and Jason Schwartzman as well as Bruce Willis, Frances McDormand, and Ed Norton, the hazy muted palette of the isolated New England countryside as if filtered through Instagram, and our two preternatural adolescent heroes, plotting their summer camp flight through the wilderness in the name of love.
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For the 14th consecutive year, the folks at Time Magazine have once again passed me over when considering their annual roster of the world's 100 Most Influential People. Heretics! So be it — even an incomplete list is worth visiting judgment upon. Let's check out (and rank, naturally) the film personalities included this year. And to my publicist: You're fired!
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You've seen the trailer. You've parsed the poster. Now study in the stern countenances awaiting you in Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson's Cannes-opening reverie for which a new "vintage team photo" is making the rounds.
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Remember Patton Oswalt's Oscar-snubbee Twitter fan fiction -- specifically the part wherein Tilda Swinton and Andy Serkis rocked out together to "Life on Mars"? Well, Jimmy Fallon or Stephen Colbert or someone might want to get on that, if Swinton's priceless reaction is any indication.
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Thanks to the wonders of Twitter, we already know how Albert Brooks feels about this morning's brutal Oscar-nomination snub. But how is the rest of the Academy's snubculture faring? We may never know entirely, but at least their unofficial ambassador Patton Oswalt has the fan-fiction angle covered -- and it sounds like this group has the Governors Ball beat.
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It is called Moonrise Kingdom and I have nothing to really say about it except that I'm somewhat intrigued by Anderson's discovery of the handheld camera and the unusual (for Anderson, anyway) 1.85:1 aspect ratio and that I wish it were Meryl Streep with that bullhorn instead of Frances McDormand; she was so infectious in Fantastic Mr. Fox and I want to see her and Anderson collaborate in live-action. And... and... Cool treehouse? I don't know. Your turn.
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Tilda Swinton's extreme exasperation is always a cinematic treat, but We Need to Talk About Kevin looks like it will achieve record levels of mania. As the mother of a sociopathic son (Ezra Miller), Swinton is giving it her all, which makes her underdog status in the Best Actress race a bit disappointing. Here, watch as Kevin tortures his mother to the tune of Buddy Holly's "Everyday" and adds some believable terror to your Halloween. Cannot wait for this movie.
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