It's impressive how much J.J. Abrams and the folks at Bad Robot manage to pack into the new teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness without revealing, well, the actual plot of the summer 2013 sequel. Space action! Benedict Cumberbatch! That darned hands-on-glass scene that just screams "I have been and always shall be your friend!" Watch the action-packed teaser below and let's get to piecing together the puzzle.
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Today Warner Bros. released the first teaser for 2013's superhero reboot Man of Steel, an elegiac glimpse of Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), as a man and a boy, accompanied by memories of childhood paternal advice telling him of his destiny as Earth's savior. But Clark/Superman has two dads — biological Kryptonian pop Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and adoptive farmer pa Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner), giving fans a neat double tease: One teaser, two voice-overs.
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Again with this "teaser for a trailer" business. If you cannot wait until Sunday to get a glimpse of the actual trailer for Len Wiseman's Total Recall remake, here are thirty seconds of Colin Farrell driving flying cars and jumping off of balconies and Kate Beckinsale looking hot. I'm still holding out for evidence that Wiseman kept the three-boobed lady in his version, which will determine if this rehash of the 1990 sci-fi gem gets my ticket dollars or not.
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Let me preface this by saying that I love Tim and Eric's bizarro-surrealist sketch comedy shtick, and when I write "WTF?" I don't necessarily mean it in a bad way. It's just... what else can be said about the new ultra-brief teaser for Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie? What reactions other than "WTF?" did these evil comic geniuses even intend?
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