It looks like Jamie Foxx may join the second round of The Amazing Spider-Man, joining Andrew Garfield and director Marc Webb. Variety reports the Django Unchained star is in early talks to play Electro in the follow-up set for 2014.
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Rebooting the Spider-Man franchise just five years after Sam Raimi completed his own $2.4 billion trilogy was a controversial move in itself, let alone the idea of revisiting Spidey’s origin story, one of the most familiar and popular beginnings in comic book lore, yet again. But whatever qualms you might have about The Amazing Spider-Man treading familiar ground — this time with Andrew Garfield as a skate-boarding high-schooler/vigilante nursing abandonment issues — director Marc Webb himself wrestled with the very same issues from the start.
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Comic-book movies can be many things — ridiculous, entertaining, stupendously dull – but very rarely are they erotic. I’m not talking about the garden-variety sexually neutral charge thrown off by a fit actor, man or woman, who happens to look good in a latex suit. Even in the best comic-book movies, made by filmmakers who know what they’re doing — people like Sam Raimi, Bryan Singer, Guillermo del Toro and Jon Favreau — sex is often treated as a mild embarrassment, a thing that just doesn’t mix well with action inspired by comic-book panels. And so amid all the questions about whether or not the Spider-Man franchise ought to have been rebooted just 10 years after Raimi kicked off his own spin on it, maybe the real question to ask of Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man is — when it comes to sexual chemistry, why can’t more comic-book movies be like this one?
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The new four-minute preview from The Amazing Spider-Man promises an extended look at "the summer's most anticipated film" — Sony's bracing, ballsy rebuke to The Avengers, Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises. Only you know how truthfully that claim applies to you, but this much is true: There's not very much "new" here.
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Andrew Garfield has passed along comments and notes from his inaugural Spider-Man stint for a while now, but he's saved his first truly in-depth press foray for a chat with the one guy on Earth who can literally relate to every word: Ex-Spider-Man franchise star Tobey Maguire.
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As previewed earlier today for select audiences around the globe, here's Sony's brand spankin' new theatrical trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. (Find my full detailed Spider-Man preview Q&A recap, including descriptions of the sizzle reel that has not yet been released, here.) Take a look and weigh in, Spidey fans -- is this the version of the Marvel superhero we both need and deserve?
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One of the highlights of yesterday's Comic-Con events was definitely the panel for the Amazing Spider-Man, where director Marc Webb and stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans took the eager fans on an emotional Hall H journey. There was laughter, there were almost tears and there was terrifying footage of The Lizard. In cased you missed it, check out the highlights below.
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