It's hard to believe it's been 13 years since Jason Biggs first made sweet, sweet love to that apple pie, but with this week's American Reunion the gang is back, three sequels and four subpar spin-off movies later, to catch up and wax nostalgic about the good old days. Marinate on where all those years went while you catch up with the American Pie gang in Movieline's Then and Now gallery and inevitably decide -- as we all do on occasion while wine-drunk, yearbook in hand -- which among them aged the best over the years.
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It ought to be no fun watching characters you came to know as randy, unruly high school students turn into grown-ups with jobs, families and crappy sex lives. That’s what happens to real-life people; why subject fictional characters to it? But somehow American Reunion — the third movie sequel to Paul and Chris Weitz’s hall-of-fame teen sex comedy 1999 American Pie — makes the harsh reality jolt almost painless.
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Look, I'm excited to revisit American Pie, all right? Jason Biggs is hilarious, Thomas Ian Nicholas is still winsome in his hirsute state, Chris Klein has hilarious Street Fighter cred now, and Seann William Scott has apparently updated his repertoire to include Twilight jokes -- at least according to the movie's new trailer. Check it out after the jump if, like me, you're game for yet another hornball summit.
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Good news and bad news about American Reunion based on the very first (and very redband) teaser trailer that has just surfaced: Jason Biggs's Jim still isn't locking the door when he masturbates. This could be good news for American Pie purists who hoped the franchise would get back to basics this April, and bad news for fans who hoped Jim would never have to pleasure himself again with footwear after marrying Alyson Hannigan's band geek Michelle in the third and most recent Pie installment, American Wedding.
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Jason Biggs, who was already our favorite Twitter celebrity (er, celebrity on Twitter?), put the news of Reese Witherspoon getting hit by a car and sustaining minor injuries in perspective last night. Since the Oscar-winner is out of the hospital and hopefully in tiptop Tracy Flick form, we like to think Mr. Biggs's quip registers as playful sarcasm. Ahem: "I just heard the news about Reese Witherspoon doing a voice in 'Cars 3'. Wow!" [@BiggsJason]

Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine, and Matthew McConaughey kicked things off with Richard Linklater's Bernie. Ryan Gosling, Christina Hendricks, and their Drive co-stars hit the red carpet with director Nicolas Winding Refn. Kate Bosworth & Co. presented the indie rom-com Life Happens the same night that the cast of the vogueing flick Leave it on the Dance Floor turned a rooftop party into a runway ball complete with live performances, drag queens, and wanton fabulousness. The 2011 L.A. Film Fest is in full swing, and so is Movieline's star-studded red carpet gallery! Hit the jump for a peek at the celebs (and divas) who hit the fest this weekend.
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