Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey had its New Zealand premiere Wednesday, and although local press are still under embargo, the New York Daily News has burst out of the gate with the first published review of the anticipated Lord of the Rings follow-up. What's the early verdict on Jackson's groundbreaking 48 fps presentation, which was so publicly panned in previews?
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Okay, Terryl Whitlatch: We'll forgive you now for Jar Jar Binks. Take a gander at the neat-o sketches by the illustrator and Lucasfilm creature creator (who's responsible for concocting the most annoying character known to the Star Wars universe and maybe mankind) in which members of Marvel's The Avengers are re-envisioned... as dinosaurs. Why not?
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Amid the hustle and bustle of last weekend's WonderCon, Movieline's camera caught the assorted superheroes walking among us giving into those utterly human moments we all share: There was Supergirl seeking respite from the chaos in the powder room; Silk Spectre tagging that one Jedi padawan on Facebook; even that rascally Deadpool photobombing Body-Paint Batman as he posed for a paparazzi shot on the convention floor. After the jump, browse Movieline's gallery for these and more moments at WonderCon that remind us that beneath the superpowers and spandex and tights, superheroes -- like celebrities -- really are just like us.
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Thanks to the magic of DVD and editing software, Star Wars fans have had their way with George Lucas's space saga for years now, re-editing bits and parts of the films into fan cuts to celebrate their favorite parts of the franchise (and fix its most cringeworthy bits). So why should famous fanboys be any different? Like, say, Topher Grace, who this week hosted a one-time only screening of his Star Wars: Episode III.5: The Editor Strikes Back, edited down from the prequels into an 85-minute cut that leaves most of the snoozey old space politics (and Jar Jar Binks' screen time) on the cutting-room floor. To the blogs!
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