Superman and General Zod unleash their best tough-guy stares on separate Man of Steel collector covers for the UK's Empire magazine this week, and, I'm calling it, Zod wins. All that screen time playing hard-asses (Premium Rush) and nut jobs (Revolutionary Road) has molded Michael Shannon's mug into an incredibly effective billboard for threat and danger. He looks pissed and lethal here, And that gives him the slight edge in this Kryptonian staring contest. more »

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and Iron Man 3 are among the most anticipated blockbusters of 2013. That is the result of survey of over 2,000 film fans by online movie ticketing site Fandango, which asked users their picks for the new year.
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Man of Steel enjoyed one of the more bonkers receptions at this weekend's Comic-Con, culminating in — what else? — a teaser poster just for its San Diego coming-out party. They've thought of everything. It doesn't reveal much of Henry Cavill's Superman, however, which led Movieline pal Grace Randolph to hit up costume illustrator Phillip Boutte for more details about the look of Zack Snyder's upcoming blockbuster. Click through for the poster and video.
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Amid the hustle and bustle of last weekend's WonderCon, Movieline's camera caught the assorted superheroes walking among us giving into those utterly human moments we all share: There was Supergirl seeking respite from the chaos in the powder room; Silk Spectre tagging that one Jedi padawan on Facebook; even that rascally Deadpool photobombing Body-Paint Batman as he posed for a paparazzi shot on the convention floor. After the jump, browse Movieline's gallery for these and more moments at WonderCon that remind us that beneath the superpowers and spandex and tights, superheroes -- like celebrities -- really are just like us.
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Much has been made of British actor Henry Cavill's abs in this week's Immortals, or the strange, logic-defying Superman beard spied on the set of Man of Steel. Never mind that the 28-year-old actor turns in a persuasive dramatic performance in Tarsem's stylized fantasy myth, playing the classic hero Theseus as an honorable peasant battling a sadistic god-hating tyrant (Mickey Rourke) with the aid of a comely priestess (Freida Pinto) and supernatural bow and arrows. But therein lies the surprise: Go to Immortals for the bloody action, or the mythological spin, or the wonderment of Tarsem's visuals, and you'll also get the pleasant revelation that Cavill wears leading man status like a natural.
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"The most chilling ghost story of our time?" you say, new trailer for The Woman in Black? We'll be the judge of that. So far it looks like Harry Potter has gone back in time to trudge worriedly through a haunted house stocked with creepy little girls and jump scares. Can't he just retire these spooks to some old paintings on the wall and be done with them, already? Expecto petr-ho-hum, if you ask me. But take a look for yourself, and stick around for more of your Friday Buzz Break.
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You know the full cast list, you got your first look at Henry Cavill in the suit, but you still hunger for more details from Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, eh? Well, for the Superman fans out there who just have to know, a synopsis purporting to reveal the official plot for WB's upcoming superhero reboot has surfaced online. But is it the real deal? (Click ahead only if you really, absolutely have to know...)
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It was an agonizing enough process just getting cast in Tarsem's Immortals, stars Luke Evans and Henry Cavill told Movieline over the weekend at WonderCon, where audiences got their first look at the November fantasy pic. But the real struggle, they say, was in reaching and maintaining the physique required of their roles as Zeus and Theseus, respectively -- characters for whom godlike perfection was a prerequisite. But hey, no pressure!
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New theory: Immortals director Tarsem Singh (excuse us, visionary director Tarsem) is the honey badger of film directors. In an unprecedented move Saturday in San Francisco, the filmmaker behind such films as The Cell and The Fall stole the hearts and minds of WonderCon attendees away from Cowboys & Aliens helmer Jon Favreau -- and mind you, Favreau is so popular that he has his own entrance music ("Back in Black," natch). So how did visionary director Tarsem bring the house down during the panel for The Immortals, a 300-styled movie he described as "Caravaggio meets Fight Club?" Hit the jump for highlights from TarsemCon.
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More bits and pieces of Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman project emerged Sunday as the director made the press rounds with the girl power action pic Sucker Punch, another wildly fantastical, epic-scale vision from the man behind 300 and Watchmen. As Snyder told Movieline exclusively with a nod to his creative exchanges with producer Christopher Nolan, Superman will mark a stylistic departure of sorts: The comic book adventure about the flying, super-powered Man of Steel will be his most realistic film to date.
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