Robert Downey, Jr. is certainly an It boy at the moment after a summer of Avengers (and more on the way) as well as his current project, Iron Man 3. Now it appears that he and Jude Law are ready to take on another installment of Sherlock Holmes, but Law said that while the pair are into the idea of a return to the eccentric British detective saga, "but Downey's a busy boy…"
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It's probably one of the best ways to work through your failed celebrity marriage: Air all your dirty laundry in a thinly veiled dance-pop ditty from your hawt new album! Which is what Madonna seemingly does in her new song, "I Don't Give A," which Guy Ritchie is listening to somewhere, shaking his head. Sample lyrics: "You were so mad at me / Who's got custody / Lawyers / Suck it up / Didn't have a prenup." OUCH. Let the divorce therapy rip!
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Sherlock Holmes may have won the weekend with a modest debut, but was it the real box office winner? Not with Tom Cruise and the Mission: Impossible gang around to flaunt their fab limited release per-screen average in everyone's faces, a precursor to next week's Christmastime blitz. And, yeah. The new Chipmunks is out. A moment of silence for all the poor souls who helped it debut in the number two slot. I'd wager even David Cross feels for you.
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It's time to do some shopping, kids. After a week of semi-reasonable Golden Globe nominations (!) and the tragic downfall of The Daldry, I'm throwing away wads of cash at the Glendale Americana and never looking back. Do you think they sell the exotic headgear Elizabeth Taylor wore in Raintree County? Maybe at Zara or something? I don't know. Let's review the week and run away somewhere.
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Romance! Jealousy! Temptation! There's an alluring new stranger vying for Sherlock Holmes's attentions and affections in Guy Ritchie's turn-of-the-century sleuthing sequel, A Game of Shadows, but it's not the dark and beautiful gypsy woman at the center of Holmes's latest mystery. For that matter, Holmes's on-again, off-again ladyfriend Irene Adler doesn't truly have his heart, either. It's BFF and hetero life partner Dr. Watson who forms the tale's real love triangle with Holmes -- escalating the first film's bromantic undercurrent of mutual admiration and "circumstantial homosexuality" to overt, unabashed man-love and dangerous attraction -- with tantalizingly evil interloper Professor James Moriarty.
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The stakes are higher and the villains far more treacherous (Moriarty!), but everything in Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows is of a piece with the 2009 predecessor that introduced Robert Downey Jr.'s turn as the titular OCD turn of the century sleuth. For director Guy Ritchie it's felt like one long evolution from the days of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels; now, at the helm of his biggest film to date -- which features some of the most innovative action sequences of the season -- Ritchie is firmly in his wheelhouse. As he told Movieline recently in Los Angeles, "I enjoy playing in a bigger sandbox... and I enjoy having powerful friends to help me manifest a vision."
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Sherlock Holmes -- Guy Ritchie's 2009 blockbuster take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous 19th century investigator -- struck such a chord with its witty bromantic banter and sense for high period adventure, why not repeat the formula for the sequel? After the jump, watch the first trailer for Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, featuring everything you loved about the first film, now with a new villain, a girl with a dragon tattoo, and Robert Downey Jr. in drag!
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