The Golden Globes || ||

Jodie Foster's Privacy Plea Ignores Hollywood Homophobia

Years ago, feminists rightly noted that the personal is political. That has never been more true than when it comes to the personal lives of gay people in America.

Accepting the Cecil B. DeMille award at last night's Golden Globes, Jodie Foster delivered a heartfelt and sincere comment on her long career in film. Equal parts sincere appreciation and fraternity levels of booze-intake, (so I assume, given how many bottles of champagne there appeared to be on the tables at the Beverly Hilton), it probably wasn't half as eloquent as much commentary has suggested, but what it lacked in structure it made up for with punch. Because tucked into the meandering statement was circumspect confirmation of what has for some time been an open secret, the fact that she is a lesbian.
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The Golden Globes || ||

GALLERY: Highlights (and Lowlights) of the 2012 Golden Globe Awards

You might have heard there was a big awards show last night? And as usual, the 69th Golden Globes delivered their standard array of highlights, lowlights and headscratching curios over three hours at the Beverly Hilton. Let's revisit the ups and downs in words and pictures, shall we?
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The Golden Globes || ||

GALLERY: Artist, Descendants Lead 69th Golden Globe Winners

Well, that was fun (if not especially shocking): The Artist and The Descendants continued their awards-season showdown as the year's top finishers at the 69th Golden Globes. Click through for a photo gallery and full list of movie and TV winners, and why not enjoy Movieline's livetweet commentary as well?
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Ricky Gervais Promises This Year's Golden Globes Will Be His Last and Most Offensive

Maybe Ricky Gervais wasn't kidding when he tweeted that he has already claimed the Holocaust and pedophilia as Golden Globe monologue material. The polarizing Globes host and comedian has taken to his blog to express his true (R-rated) intent in hosting this year's ceremony and to declare that he will be making guests even more uncomfortable than they felt last year. Yikes!

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It's Official: Ricky Gervais Is Hosting the Golden Globes Again

Well now: Despite legendarily roasting all of Hollywood last year during his hosting gig at the Golden Globes (and the resulting grumblings among celebs and media alike) Ricky Gervais will be back to host the 69th Golden Globes Awards. See what the Hollywood Foreign Press Association had to say about the surprise confirmation, and the kind of jokes Gervais is already threatening to drop all over the telecast come January.

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The Golden Globes || ||

Ricky Gervais Probably Hasn't Been Asked to Host the Golden Globes Again

It hasn't been 10 months yet, but the possibility of Ricky Gervais hosting the Golden Globes in 2012 is still making news. Despite the fact that Gervais said organizers asked him to return for a third time -- an invitation which he says he would declined -- president Philip Berk tells a different story. "There is no truth to this rumor. We have not asked him to come back," said Berk in a statement. "Nice try, Ricky." Guess Phil is still upset about that "helping him off the toilet" joke. [TheWrap]

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Has Ricky Gervais Officially Doomed Us for the Safest Oscars Ever?

Now you've done it, celebrities. You're pretending that Ricky Gervais's zingers were anything but expected at Sunday's Golden Globes, and now he's never coming back. You malnourished spazzes! Would you prefer he can-can in front of a Best Picture montage like Billy Crystal? Wear Pleasantville costumes and flash Oda Mae side-eyes like Whoopi Goldberg? Jesus. Now we're screwed for the awards show we actually care about: The Oscars.

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If We Have to Have Red Carpets, Can We at Least Have More Alexa Chung?

People who care about fashion -- and even plenty of those who don't -- usually tune in early to the awards shows to catch the red-carpet pregame, a scary ritual historically hosted by puppets. Celebrities may think they can scurry past the likes of Carson Daly and Natalie Morales as they make a mad dash for the rubber chicken, but they're fooling themselves: These overdressed, glassy-eyed semi-personalities have an important job to do, which is to corner said celebrities and assault them with the pressing questions of the day, which consist chiefly of "How are you feeling tonight?" and "Who are you wearing?" But last night's Golden Globe Arrival Special -- even the name sounds molded out of plastic -- was different. Daly and Morales did everything expected of them: They flapped their mouths and sounds came out. But who was that third mysterious creature, a brunette minx in a messy, slept-in bun and a simple red chiffon dress with a bow neck that caused one Twitter user to exclaim, somewhat ungrammatically but nevertheless enthusiastically, "My sex is on fire in her grandma dress"?

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How Did That Win? The 5 Most Questionable Golden Globe Victories

The biggest shock about the Golden Globes? That they exceeded our expectations here at Movieline HQ and were actually enjoyable. Unprecedented. But don't think it was all perfection; we also had our reservations. Join us for a recap of Sunday's five most disappointing victories.

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The Golden Globes || ||

Judd Apatow, HFPA Not Fans of Ricky Gervais' Golden Globes Roasting

Much is being made today about Ricky Gervais' performance as host-cum-roastmaster at the Golden Globes on Sunday night. Here at Movieline HQ, we're firmly on Team Ricky, and it seems like we're not alone -- celebrities like Jimmy Fallon and Jason Bateman praised the unctuous Brit for his ribald comedy. But that doesn't mean everyone enjoyed the public celebrity berating -- just ask Judd Apatow and the Hollywood Foreign Press.

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The Golden Globes || ||

And Then Michael Douglas Photobombed Angelina Jolie and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Michael Douglas was the "surprise" presenter of the Golden Globe for Best Drama on Sunday night (surprise in quotes because, um, he was nominated and in attendance), which was nice to see, especially in light of his recent battle with cancer. How did Douglas celebrate his return to the public eye? By photobombing his wife at a Golden Globes after party, of course! Click ahead to see Douglas' impish delight behind Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angelina Jolie.

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Sacha Baron Cohen is the New J.D. Salinger

"I don't speak to journalists out of character," the comic said to a reporter at one of Sunday night's Golden Globes afterparties. The simple question: Is he a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? "You'll have to ask the Academy." And... scene. Thanks for coming, Sacha! [NYT]

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Watch Ricky Gervais Eviscerate Hollywood at the Golden Globes

If you had been waiting to see Ricky Gervais pantomime oral sex between a 24-year-old Playboy Playmate and Hugh Hefner on NBC, then the Golden Globes were for you! They were also for anyone who loves watching the stuffing taken out of Hollywood -- and awards shows -- in general. So, good for us, then, that Gervais hosted the Globes on Sunday night -- just don't expect to have him back next year. When Phillip Berk was asked after the show if Gervais would host in 2012, he responded with a very loaded, "No comment." Alas, we'll always have this monologue. Click ahead to watch Gervais torch the Beverly Hilton.

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Your Complete List of 2011 Golden Globe Winners

Lost in the jubilation around Movieline HQ over the fact that Ricky Gervais took a flamethrower to Hollywood, the Golden Globes, Cher, Scientology, Tim Allen and The Tourist (sorry, Stephanie), was the fact that actual awards were handed out on Sunday night. And they weren't all that ridiculous! To wit: The Social Network won everything that Christian Bale, Melissa Leo and Natalie Portman didn't. Toss in some deserved trophies for Chris Colfer, Jane Lynch and Katey Sagal, and you've got a pretty successful meaningless awards ceremony. Relive the fun over at our liveblog, and click ahead for your full list of winners.

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Movieline Livetweets the 2011 Golden Globes!

Here we go! Wracked with controversy, boasting suspect taste and dazzling us all with its ritual drunken pulchritude, the 2011 Golden Globe Awards will recognize the best of film and television as perceived by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. The betting sheets are in, and all that's left is the winning. And the livetweeting from Movieline HQ, of course.

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