PGA Awards: And Just Like That, The Artist Locks Up Oscar Season
Let's not belabor this: The Artist claimed Best Picture at Saturday's Producers Guild Awards, all but affirming its eventual Best…

The Movie That Makes Uggie Cry (No, Really)
Here is a video featuring Artist wonder dog and awards-season gadabout Uggie telling viewers what movie made him cry and offering…

VIDEO: The Only Jackass/Vertigo Mash-Up You'll Ever Need
If Kim Novak sincerely thought that hearing music cues from Vertigo in The Artist was tantamount to artistic "rape," then wait…
Breaking: Michigan is Not Hollywood
"Evidence continues to mount that Michigan's budding film industry really was no such thing. Would-be moguls scatter as soon as a new governor deep-sixes the nation's…
Jack the Giant Killer Catapulted to 2013
Warner Bros. has shaken up its 2012-13 release slate a bit, with Bryan Singer's fantasy Jack the Giant Killer getting pushed from this June all the way to next March…

The 9 Most Scathing Critical Responses to Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Nearly a month after its Oscar-qualifying run found it alienating critics in New York and Los Angeles (and almost two months…

The 5 Films Likeliest to Ignite a Sundance 2012 Bidding War
No matter how many gifting suites, D-list "celebrities" and/or head-splitting parties the malevolent forces of modern commerce…

Idiot Artist Viewers Expected to Count to 10
And/or be able to tell time: "Odeon Liverpool One can confirm it has issued a small number of refunds to guests who were unaware…

Valentine's Day Showdown: Reese Witherspoon Moved Up, Catherine Zeta-Jones Shipped Direct to DVD
Valentine's Day is a little less than a month away, and much like you trawling the supermarket for last-minute goodies to…
Who's Stoked For Dracula and Van Helsing?
Or Van Helsing and Dracula, or whatever Sony's apparently calling it? Don't everyone speak up at once. [Fusible]

Oscar Index: Left Out in the Gold
Smack in the middle of a two-week frame yielding two awards shows and a pair of nomination announcements that will culminate in…

Consider Uggie, Day 51: Artist Wonder Dog Visits Ellen, Facebook Following Hits 6K
Seeing Uggie, the Artist's celebrated Jack Russell terrier, onstage Sunday night at the Golden Globes might have been enough to…

Finally, a Critic Who Really Gets The Iron Lady
Spoiler alert? "I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the preoccupation the director shows with Maggie's shoes. There are so many…

CIA, Defense Dept. Sued Over Kathryn Bigelow's Osama Bin Laden Movie, Naturally
The conservative "watchdog" group Judicial Watch has sued the CIA and the Defense Department, alleging a failure to comply with…
First-Timer Sells a Script
It's always a thrill to read about some upstart, young first-time screenwriter catching a lucrative break in Hollywood with a spec script, so let's hear it for Cormac…