ICYMI: Prometheus Sells Coors Light — or Coors Light Sells Prometheus, Whichever

Coors Light - 'Prometheus'

If you had told me a week ago that any film might enter a beer-marketing tie-in weirder than the one recently consummated by Heineken and Skyfall, I'd have belched "No wayyyyy" in violent protest through the fizzy, hazy languor of whatever 12-pack I was drinking at that moment. And then you'd say, "No, seriously, Coors Light and Prometheus made a merchandising baby and it's growing up so fast!" And I'd be all, "Ugh, the Rangers can't scorrrreee." And you'd say, "Look, look! Here's a commercial!" And we'd stare in churning anguish as a mega-bottle of Coors Light terrifyingly plunged through the atmosphere and the crew of the film's titular vessel confronted their flavorless, pale-yellow fate.

And then I presume we'd switch to whiskey? I dunno. Anyway, creature spoilers and presumably interplanetary tailgate parties follow. Ahem. Do you thirst?
