Skyfall: James Bond Will Swap Martinis for... Heineken?

This fall, secret agent James Bond will ditch his famous shaken martini in favor of a cold, frosty bottle of... Heineken. Hey, if sports cars and watches and swimming pools are up for product placement deals, why not 007's drink of choice? Ad Age reports: "Bond, played by Daniel Craig, will star in a Heineken ad. The spot, which will run globally, is by brand agency-of-record Wieden & Kennedy, Amsterdam, and directed by Fredrik Bond. In the movie, Bond will swap his trademark martini for a sip of the brew — at least in one scene." Will this change everything — or anything — about the Bond we know and love and take drinking cues from? [Ad Age via Movie City News]
You've seen the movies, and maybe even read the books.
Bond is familiar with all types of wines, knows the best
serving temperatures of sake, so he'd have no problem
with having a beer. But no Moosehead. And none of
that "bottle turns blue when it's cold", Agent Yamato.
Agreed. Bond knows too much about fine beverages that he'd never willingly drink a Heineken. I suspect that A) he has to order one in order not to blow his cover or B) he's strapped to a dastardly Heineken-bong torture device masterminded by SPECTRE.
SPECTRE---Jen, I miss 'em. Perhaps "Miss Manners" could
take over as a true villain as DR NO THANK-YOU.
Since Bond knows so much about all kinds of wine it will be weird to see him drink a Heineken. After all of these years it will not look right.
We don't know the circumstances. Maybe M or Q or
Tiger Tanaka from Japan are having a barbecue, and
Bond's assignment is to bring the beer. 7/11 was all
out of Bud.
This series has crossed the line from fun spy movies to a crass commercial franchise featuring the character James Boag... I mean, Bond.
Wait for the signature scene where he orders one "shaken, not stirred", and becomes promptly doused in beer foam.
let.'s ditch daniel craig and the beer,the bonds of old were really sexy and they drank martini a reall drink and reall james bond. let's start all over .
I’ve always been into this kind of writing. Clever and entertaining, and much to look forward to! Thanks
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