The 2012 Cannes Film Festival remains a week away, but the wheeling and dealing is already underway — and probably not coincidentally, for competition films starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Last week it was Pattinson's edgy David Cronenberg collaboration Cosmopolis going to E One, and tonight it's Stewart's long-awaited Jack Kerouac adaptation On the Road — just announced as the proud acquisition of IFC Films and Sundance Selects. Read on for the full details, and stay tuned to Movieline for more fest news as Cannes 2012 approaches.
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The first trailer for the lonnnng-awaited adaptation of On the Road is here — an international/market spot (the film doesn't yet have US distribution) showcasing Jack Kerouac's shambolic literary stylings and director Walter Salles's ensemble including leads Sam Riley, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart and a kind of staggering supporting ensemble: Viggo Mortensen? Kirsten Dunst? Amy Adams? Terrence Howard? Steve Buscemi? Elisabeth Moss? You can't Beat it!
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Chances are at least a few of your casual conversations about Bridesmaids have revolved around the scene in which Melissa McCarthy is forced to use a bridal shop sink as a toilet. The true beauty of that scene was Kristen Wiig’s Annie, sweat-drenched, trying to stay composed while she was berated over choosing a restaurant that caused some serious gastrointestinal horrors for the ladies. Not to suggest that McCarthy doesn’t deserve the praise; she’s a terrific actress (Sookie forever!).
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