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Is Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Too Extreme for Oscars?

Is Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Too Extreme for Oscars?

Over at Entertainment Weekly, David Fincher plays coy joking about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's Oscar chances. [Some spoilers follow, though they'll come as no surprise to those familiar with Stieg Larsson's book or Niels Arden Oplev's 2009 film adaptation.] How likely is is that the Academy will be so turned off by the extremes seen in Fincher's film that they'd pass it over come nomination day?

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Scarlett Johansson Was Too Hot for David Fincher's 'Pervy' Dragon Tattoo

David Fincher on his search for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's Lisbeth Salander: "Scarlett Johansson was great. It was a great audition, I'm telling you. But the thing with Scarlett is, you can't wait for her to take her clothes off... Salander should be like E.T. If you put E.T. dolls out before anyone had seen the movie, they would say, 'What is this little squishy thing?' Well, you know what? When he hides under the table and he grabs the Reese's Pieces, you love him! It has to be like that." He eventually cast the "great weirdo" Rooney Mara for his "pervy" Americanized adaptation; read the full profile here. [Vogue]

Awards || ||

Oscar Index: Extremely Artist and Incredibly Horse

Oscar Index: Extremely Artist and Incredibly Horse

It's week three of the 2011-12 Oscar Index, and the latest measurements, readings and conclusions are in from Movieline's Institute for the Advanced Study of Kudos Forensics. And aside from a few startling exceptions, they don't look that different than the ones disseminated here last week. But make no mistake: Like it or not, stuff is happening! Read on for the latest developments.

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Videos || ||

See How a Sexy Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Metal Poster is Made While Listening to Trent Reznor's Score

With two and a half months until David Fincher's adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo hits theaters, another eerie behind-the-scenes video has appeared on the mysterious Tumblr account Mouth Taped Shut. This latest installment in the film's viral marketing campaign offers audience members a sneak peak into the making of that scandalous Dragon poster -- this one shaped like a razor blade and printed on sheets of metal -- set against Trent Reznor's soundtrack.

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Adventures in Marketing || ||

Face to Face: Does Latest Dragon Tattoo Image Owe a Debt to Apple?

Face to Face: Does Latest Dragon Tattoo Image Owe a Debt to Apple?

New images and behind the scenes peeks are steadily emerging over at The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's Tumblr Mouth Taped Shut, including a new piece of maybe-poster art for the December 21 thriller. But there's something familiar in the way Daniel Craig's face is split by Rooney Mara's shadowy profile. Was someone over at Sony marketing borrowing from the Apple playbook?

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Surprise 8-Minute Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trailer Makes A Case for the Fincher Remake

Surprise 8-Minute Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trailer Makes A Case for the Fincher Remake

Over the summer, audiences got their first taste of David Fincher's English-language version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in the form of a "leaked" trailer that was either stolen and placed online or (more likely) a brilliantly secretive piece of marketing posed as an accidental viral phenomenon. This week something called Mouth Taped Shut ( debuted announcing a special surprise attached to a number of "secret" regional screenings of upcoming Sony films Straw Dogs and Moneyball. That surprise turned out to be an eight-minute preview trailer for Fincher's Dragon Tattoo.

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First Looks || ||

Meet the Characters of David Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in 18 New Images

Meet the Characters of David Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in 18 New Images

If you've seen Niels Arden Oplev's 2009 Swedish adaptation of Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, you already have faces attached to the cast of characters in the bestselling trilogy-starter. So Sony's smart to roll out 18 character profiles introducing you to the new Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara, managing to look simultaneously different and similar to Noomi Rapace), Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig in scruffy journalist-wear) and their fellow players in David Fincher's December English-language remake.

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