Clint Eastwood made Twitter's Day — or at least its night. The veteran actor and filmmaker's bizarre, aimless speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Thursday night — to a chair that purportedly contained an invisible President Obama — brought out plenty of celebrity tweeters on the social media site. more »

Last night at SXSW, Broken Lizard alum Jay Chandrasekhar debuted his latest comedy, The Babymakers, which features Olivia Munn as a woman whose not-so-potent husband (Paul Schneider) breaks into a sperm bank to retrieve his own, um, donations so they can get pregnant. Given the film's balls-out embracing of sex jokes and a subplot concerning racy photographs, one could view those recent hacked photos of Munn in provocative poses as brilliantly conceived viral marketing, a fact that hasn't escaped Chandrasekhar. He offered Movieline his two cents on the matter with a nod to Munn's own recently-released photo response.
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In case you missed all of the weekend’s riveting PR stunts accidental leaks, here’s all you need to know: Christina Hendricks, Olivia Munn, and one of the stars from the debauchery fest Project X got caught up in an assortment of salacious news that warns us once again against the dangers of doing sexy things in the vicinity of recording devices if you’re famous. (Unless, ahem, you've got a project to push.) Nude pics, Photoshopped naughtiness, and even – gasp! – a secret porn past were revealed thanks to the Internet; hit the jump to catch up as we wait for the inevitable awesome Taiwanese animated recap to drop.
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Olivia Munn first became known for keeping geeks everywhere enthralled on a daily basis as the co-host of G4's Attack of the Show, but since leaving the program to pursue acting she's hit the ground running by joining The Daily Show, starring in the short-lived sitcom Perfect Couples, and snagging roles in upcoming projects from the likes of Aaron Sorkin and Steven Soderbergh. Speaking with Munn over the weekend about her latest film, I Don't Know How She Does It, Movieline was determined not to ask the pun-tastic question of how, in fact, she does it. What we discovered instead was the story of how, in the course of following her Hollywood dreams, she tried to do it all.
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